

2023-03-19    10'30''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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"英文小酒馆致力于打造沉浸式英语学习社群,无论是微信社群、有声节目、线上活动和课程,我们都全心全意为爱好英语的你带去一份专属于英语的快乐。 微信公众号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。" You might be wondering: hang on, where’s the Scottish people? We talked about French, English, Welsh, where are the Scots? Yes, where are the Scots? This is when they come to England and they are called the Stuarts. 斯图亚特王朝, that's in early 17th century? Yeah, 1603. James I of England and James VI of Scotland was the Scottish king, and he ruled both England and Scotland under one crown Just let me add in one thing. I think if you want to know more about English history or British history, you really just need to remember a few names, but you need to remember the numbers. Yes. Because it's just the repetition of a few names but with a number attached to it. Pretty much.  Okay. So wasn't that the time for Guy Fawkes, like Guy Fawkes night, Guy Fawkes? In one of our earlier episodes, one of our very early episodes we talked about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. And James I was the man, the King that Guy Fawkes tried to kill. In the gunpowder plot. Yes. Now James I didn't die in the gunpowder plot and eventually his son Charles I came to the throne. Now Charles I fought in the English Civil War. He fought against parliament, parliament won, and King Charles I had his head cut off. I think similar to Chinese history, all these fight for throne and all these fight for jockeying for power, pretty bloody.  It was. Even as King or Emperor, you're not exempt. But the difference is that after Charles I was executed, England became a republic. So before it was a monarch. Yeah. Now it became a republic, but you still have the monarch, though. That's because Oliver Cromwell ruled the Commonwealth when we had no king. He became the lord protector; and to be honest, they were very unpopular, they were so unpopular that they actually asked Charles II, Charles I’s son to come back and take the throne. 所以就把君主制又搬回来了. And this is called the restoration. 就是查理二世后面又复辟了, came back to the throne, restoration. It was towards the end of the Stuarts. In1707, Scotland and England became united in the Act of Union. So that is when we started to call the country Great Britain.  In 1707, before it was just England, Scotland, separate countries. And this meant that England Scotland became pretty much the same country but there are lots and lots of differences in the law, the customs, and we won’t get going to it this time, it can get a bit complicated.  I mean we can use a separate episode to talk about that. Yes. After the Stuarts came the Hanoverians . 汉诺威王朝  So the Hanoverians actually came from Hanover in Germany in 1714. They were the ones that couldn't really speak much English in the beginning. That's right, George I couldn't speak much English and was dependent on the first Prime Minister Robert Walpole.  We talked about that, that's where Prime Minister我们之前跟安澜录过一集, 讲英国政府的, 就讲为什么会有首相, 最开始的首相主要就是因为这个国王不会讲英文, he is like a translator. So around this time, later, you had George III, George III was the last King of America. Oh, and then they became independent.美国独立之前, 最后的一个王就是乔治三世. Yes. And eventually he became ill and was thought to be mad. And his son George, later George IV became the Prince Regent. 乔治三世的儿子也就是乔治四世, 也就是后面的Prince Regent摄政王. 我们专门录了另外一集节目, 就专门来讲荒唐的Prince Regent的. Yeah, that's a really interesting episode. And later the throne goes to Queen Victoria in 1837. And started the Victorian Age, 然后就到了维多利亚时代了. 维多利亚时代是1837年开始的, 1837, so Queen Victoria still belong to the Hanoverians. Technically yes. But because she lived for so long and also she wasn't one of the rulers of Hanover because she was not allowed to, because she was a woman.  Then we started to basically the Hanoverians were phased out. I see, I think then you're kind of fast forwarding to the Royal House now which is the Windsors. 然后就到了温莎王朝, 现在还是温莎, 对吧? Yes. Now this gets a little bit complicated because they weren't called