

2023-08-24    11'06''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Hi, everyone. And welcome back to Geek Time, 欢迎回来【Geek时间】. Hi, Brad. Hi, Lulu. What are we talking about today, Lulu? Actually, I have been running into this concept online. It's called web3.0 and I was just wondering what that actually means. Can we talk about that web 3.0? You can kind of think about the internet as being in three main stages. We're in the web2.0 for the most part right now. Web3.0 is gonna be the future of the web if it can be created to the extent that we hope it to be, then the earlier web which was web1.0. Okay. 所以就是网络的1.0时代, 2.0时代和3.0时代, you said we're currently in web2.0? Right. Here web is ‘www’, world wide web. If I remember correctly, this was created, world wide web was created, invented in 1989, I believe? Correct, yeah. So what was the idea or what is the idea of web1.0, the original world wide web. The basic idea is that you can put Information that's accessible to other people who have web devices. If you have a computer or another device to go online and access that data, most of the early web1.0 was just text or some simple pictures that were read only, you went to a website and you could read what was available there. It could be changed and people could update the websites. There were some websites that were bulletin boards where you went there and you did post some information. But a lot of the early web was things made by individuals, hobbyists, someone had and something interesting and so they would post information about it. They liked movies, they would write about movies. If they did art, they might draw something and put it up on their website. But it was quite basic, right? That was mainly from like, 1991 until the early 2000s. 所以1991-2004年之间, web1.0主要还就是一些只读信息, 就是very few interactions.