Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. Hi 安澜.
Hi, lulu, hi everyone.
So What are we gonna talk about today?
Today I thought I would choose a topic that you would be interested in.
What is that.
Shopping in London.
How dare you, are you gender stereotype me? You think because I'm a girl so I love shopping?
No, I think you love shopping because I've seen the amount of random rubbish you buy on Taobao.
Touche, fair enough. Ok, let's talk about shopping in London. 我们来说说伦敦购物. Exciting topic, there's so many places to shop in London.
Absolutely. And Today we're going to be talking about some of the unique shops in London. But first of all, I think it's important that we get the areas right.
So the first area we're gonna talk about is Oxford street and Regent street.
Oxford street就是牛津街. Regent street是摄政街. Regent street I'm quite familiar with. Oxford street honestly, I obviously know I've been there, but I don't usually go shopping there.
No. Oxford street is the busiest street in Europe and it was the center of the shopping area in London.
Has it always been like a shopping area in history?
No, originally it was the road to the public execution grounds.
Okay, public execution就是公开处死刑的那个地方, 就相当于一个刑场了. That was the road to the public execution grounds. Absolutely.
Back in the days people went there to just watch it almost like a show.
And I think basically what happened was then a lot of shops started to open up along the way because public executions always draw a crowd.
Yeah, like I said it's almost like a performance. So these shops opened started selling snacks I guess while people are waiting between the executions.
And then they started selling clothes and the rest is history.
It's a bit morbid. Yeah, I wouldn't go to any secondhand clothes shop on Oxford street then.
Well, you won't find any secondhand.
No, that's right.
Because the whole secondhand就像什么二手店那种古着店都是在另外一个地方一个区域. Oxford street, it's filled with like big brands and also fast fashion that sort of thing .
Pretty much. So I would say that most of the high street brands they have their main shop on Oxford street.