

2022-06-26    13'01''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

328 1

公号: 【璐璐的英文小酒馆】 查音频节目文稿,了解广阔的世界。跟随我们的脚步,体会英语的温度。 Hi, everyone. Welcome back to Britain Under the Microscope. 欢迎回来【闲话英伦】. 嗨,安澜. Hi, Lulu. Hi, everyone. You know, in the beginning of the segment, I always asked you what we gonna talk about today, but how about I propose a topic? Oh, brilliant. Finally, the pressure is off me. And you're definitely gonna love this topic. Woo! So let me ask you a question first. When it comes to TV and film, what is your favorite genre? I would say documentaries. Yes, let's talk about documentaries. Ok, it’s brilliant. Particularly BBC documentaries. I know BBC has made a lot of documentaries. Yes. And you pretty much watched all of them. Pretty much. I do love documentaries. I only started to get into documentaries in recent years. Before I thought them as a bit boring, they're just not as exciting as your fictional stories. But how can you say that. Real life is just so much more fascinating than anything in the TV drama or TV series. There's so many amazing things in the world. And there's so much history, nature, and all those stories behind those as well. I guess that's what they say, real life is often stranger than fiction. Pretty much. Is that why you like documentaries? You mentioned nature and history. YES. Those are pretty common themes for documentaries. Those are the ones I really like. So for nature, it's the amazing wildlife, it's the calm but also exciting parts as well. For example, you see lions in Africa, you see birds in Antarctica, etc, etc, it’s just amazing to see all of these different forms of wildlife around some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. BBC documentaries, especially nature documentaries, got amazing filming, absolutely stunning imageries. And history, I remember talking to you about this before, I guess that's also the reason why I started to get into documentary, it’s when real life kind of gets really stressful and you feel like you're stuck and you watch some of the history documentaries, and you think human beings, each one of us is just so unimportant when you think about it in historical terms. The thing about history is that pretty much anything that has happened or will happen has happened maybe thousands of years ago. And again and again And again and again. That's, I would say, that's one of the great things, but also one of the bad things about humans is that we're always constantly repeating our triumphs, but we also repeat our mistakes as well. .... 关注【璐璐的英文小酒馆】,查看更多精彩内容。