

2024-07-07    07'21''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~ Keywords Towrap up the travel discussion with some of the problems -Weather issues -Delays and cancellations -Crimes -Unspoken rules about certain places [图片][图片] But having said all of that, there are also some problems. I think we're going towrap up the travel discussion with some of the problems because we don't want to sugarcoat it for people who are listening and haven't really traveled that much.It's not always... It's not always perfect. It's not always perfect.There are some miserable moments, for example, if the weather is bad, weather really makes or breaks your first impression of a city. I don't know to be honest, I'vebeen to cities where it's been like terrible weather but I went travelling in November. It just shows a different side of the city. It means that you go into like a cosy pub or you go into a cosy cafe which is quite fun. I can see there’s a theme, so basically your traveling experience is just going around the world getting drunk, with differentalcohol in different pubs. OK. That might be apoint. Andgoing to language lessons to learn how to order drinks. Why not? I'm on holiday. Yeah. I don't know,weather is really something that makes or breaks my moods, my experience. Obviously I would feel great about a city, a new destination if it's perfect weather,for me it's sunny dry,if it's wet, I wouldn't really like the city that much. We got weather. Obviously you gotdelays and cancellations. Yeah, delays and cancellations. This especially when it's not even weather. It's like caused by human activities like strikes. Thelongest delay I'veever had is like 24 hours. Because of what?Strikes? Weather. And that'sone of the reasons why I don't like flying is that trains are very rarely delayed, butplanes,I've been on so many delayed planes in my time. That's actually one of the reasons why I hate going by plane anywhere. But I had also the experiences of being delayed on the train. I also had experiences of getting on the train and the train moved forward a bit and move start moving backwards. Okay. I thought you just got lost. Yeah. There are tracks I doubt very much.But have you ever experienced any crimes? Yes, I once went somewhere and I met with a friend of mine.Her dad was the former chief of police in that city.I was with them and someone stole my camera. That's bold. Right underneath the nose of the former police chief. I know and bless him he was so embarrassed.He took me to the police station. Obviously everyone at the police station recognized him. I had to fill out a form for my insurance. I think he was more embarrassed about it than me.