

2024-11-14    12'43''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~[图片][图片]I had just started to relax when a huge rock fell from above. It flew past me, hit the path, and then fell into the chasm. At first, I thought it was just a natural rock fall, but then I looked up and saw a man standing against the darkening sky." "He threw another stone, and it hit the ledge very close to my head. I realized with alarm that Moriarty hadn't been alone. This man must have been watching while the professor attacked me. He had seen his friend die and me escape, and now he was trying to do what Moriarty couldn’t." "A third stone came flying down and missed me by inches. I had no choice but to scramble back down the cliff. In my rush, I lost my balance and hung from the ledge by my fingers while another stone flew past my ear. I kicked around until I found a place to put my foot and kept going down. Halfway down, my hand slipped and I fell, getting hurt and bleeding on the path. Then I started running. I ran for miles through the mountains as night fell." "A week later, I arrived in Florence, Italy. I had managed to lose my pursuer and thought that no one knew where I was—except my brother Mycroft. I had to tell him because I needed money. I'm sorry, my dear Watson, that I didn't feel I could trust you with this information, too. "I was in so much danger that I couldn't risk contacting you. But your account in The Final Problem helped make people believe I was dead. It would not have been as believable if you had known the truth. "Over the past three years, I wanted to write to you many times, but I was afraid. Not just for my safety, but for yours too. My enemies might use you to find me. That's why I acted so strangely earlier this evening. If you had recognized me, it could have been very dangerous for both of us."