

2024-11-21    08'40''

主播: 英文小酒馆 LHH

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可以搜索公号【璐璐的英文小酒馆】或者添加【luluxjg2】咨询课程or加入社群,查看文稿和其他精彩内容哦~[图片] [图片] Hi, everyone and welcome back to Britain Under The Microscope. Hi, 安澜. Hi, lulu. Hi, everyone. So, 安澜, can I propose a topic? Of course. The other day, during my live stream, you know, watching TV shows. Oh, yes. 我们之前有一次那个看剧解梗的直播, 你知道吧?然后我们就看了一个剧叫Ted Lasso. I love Ted Lasso. 《足球教练》这个剧. It is about an American football coach going to coach a football team in the UK. Yeah. So, (I’m) not going into details but one of the things that we've noticed, because there's obviously a lot of cross cultural misunderstanding thing. Yeah. There was this particular part where Ted, the American guy got really confused about all these names for Britain or like people's like "oh, yeah, is that Wales, is that anothercountry?" It does get confusing. Yeah, becausewhen you meet英国人, sometimes they say "I'm from the UK". Sometimes they say "I'm British", sometimes they say "I'm from England". Yeah. So,I thought today let's just get that sorted out. Yep. There's lots of different names for the UK, but first of all, let's start with the official name. So this is the name that's on my passport.