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了解这些冷知识,你能超过90% 的英语学习者!

2017-08-23    06'36''

主播: 早安英文

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: 嗯~冷知识超过90%的学习者,哈哈哈哈~ fart [fɑːrt] vi. 放屁 intestinal [ˌɪntes'taɪnl] adj. 肠的 digestive [daɪ'dʒestɪv] adj. 消化的 obsessive-compulsive 强迫观念与行为的 squeeze [skwiːz] v. 挤压 mosquito [mə'skiːtoʊ] n. 蚊子 ————————————- If you hold in a fart, where does it go? 憋住的屁去哪儿了? According to Baidu, it exits out the mouth and nose. When people hold in gas it will absorb into the intestinal wall and then mix with the blood. Then the gas comes out through the mouths—the higher end of the digestive track. 根据百度上的回答,它会从口鼻排出。当人们憋住不排气时,气体会被肠壁吸收,然后融入血液,从消化道的上端——口腔排出。 Why can't I stop picking at acne? 为什么我就忍不住挤痘痘呢? Baidu says the reason is obsessive-compulsive disorder. People with this mental disorder feel the need to repeatedly touch and squeeze their pimples until their anxiety is relieved by the repeated movements. 根据百度,这是强迫症导致的。强迫症患者总想不停触摸或挤压自己的粉刺,直到这种重复行为让他们的焦虑有所缓解。 Will mosquitoes still bite if I put a bowl of blood next to my bed? 床边放一碗血,蚊子还会来咬我嘛? Baidu says yes, as the bowl of blood will cool down and mosquitoes are attracted to heat. 百度的答案是会,因为碗里的血液是冷却的,而蚊子喜欢有温度的。