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Let’s get a haircut (2)
Fill the gaps with the vocabulary below
hair style scissors curly short handsome straight
1.Your new __________ looks great.
2.Peter has _______________ hair.
3.The street is quite ___________ here.
4.Girls are pretty. Boys are _____________.
5.I cut the paper with ________________.
6.These pants are too____________________.
He cuts the hair in the back with a razor. with.....
1.你想拿这两旧车干嘛用? _________________________________________.
2.他用一根针就把门给打开了 _____________________________________________.
4.用买来的这些画来装点一下房间 _______________________________________________.
It looks good on him. .....look .....on....
1. 你怎么把这衣服跟这裤子配? 你看起来丑爆啊 __________________________________________________.
2. 这款运动鞋穿在John身上真好看 _______________________________________________.
3. 你在哪买的那帽子?戴你头上太怪了 ______________________________________________________.
4. 别试了,啥衣服穿你身上都不会好看的__________________________________________________.
You need to comb it. comb v. / n. comb a place // search carefully
1.Sara 每天早上出门前都要仔细的梳头_______________________________________________________.
2. 警察正彻底搜查此房子,欲找到谋杀凶器____________________________________________________.
3. 他十六岁时送给她的梳子,她一直都保留着呢________________________________________________.
Word bank
Trim He just wants a trim. He doesn’t want to change his hairstyle.
Razor Shave your moustache with a razor.
How to keep cool in hot weather?
Start your request with: I would like…
… a cut (This means you want some amount of hair cut off and you will have to be more specific about how much.)
… a trim (This means you only want a little bit of hair cut off, to make your current hairdo neat, but you don’t want to change your hairstyle entirely.)
… a wash and cut. (This means you want your hair washed before it is cut. The wash usually costs extra.)
… a wash, cut, and dry (or style). (If you want your hair to be dried and styled before you leave the salon, you will want to ask for that.)
Other hair treatments you can ask for include:
I would like…
… to get a perm. (This is a treatment that makes the hair curly)
… to have my hair straightened. (This is a treatment that makes curly hair straight.)
… to have my hair dyed or colored. (This involves changing the color of ones hair.)
Lastly, here are some other commonly used terms at a hair appointment:
bangs = This is a hair cut with short hair across the forehead. (This term is used for women’s hair only.)
buzz cut = This is when hair is shaved very short. (This term is used primarily for men’s cuts.)
layers = This is when hair is cut in many different lengths.
split ends = This means the ends of your hair are split in two and damaged.
“Chop it all off.” = Chop is another word for cut. This is a request to cut off all of one’s hair and make it very short.