本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品
Can we get the tickets (2)
Choose the vocabulary to fill the gaps below
Line player forward win contest
1.Tina is looking _________ to her birthday.
2.Will you enter the dance _________?
3.The _________ for the supermarket was quite long.
4.Janice could be a really good volleyball _________.
5.I don’t want to lose the game. We all desire to _________.
Fill in the blanks to complete the conversation.
Clerk: Hello. How can I help you?
You: I want to watch a concert.
Clerk: Which _________ do you want to see?
You: I want to see the _________.
Clerk: Do you want to go on the 20 or the 21?
You: Can I get tickets for the _________?
Clerk: Let me see. Sorry. That show is sold out.
You: Do you have tickets for the _________?
Clerk: Would you like regular tickets or tickets near the stage?
You: I would like _________.
A: You can go to the concert. B: So can you.
So can/do/be someone. So someone can/ do / be.
A: I was happy at the party yesterday. A: John is such a talented singer.
B: So was I. B: So he is.
1.---I can’t believe he has said that. --- So _________. I was shocked at the time.
2.--- She is in big trouble now. ---- So __________ . She shouted at her boss.
3.---Cohen is the greatest singer that I have ever seen. --- So________. He has a golden voice.
4.---She will probably be late. She got up really late. ---- So _________. He got up even later.
But he couldn’t get tickets, either.
He tried to get tickets from him.
I was looking forward to it. was/ were doing
4. 我当时期待她能够答应_____________________________________________________
radio station 电台
disappointed adj. 失望
box office 票房/售票处
Have you ever played in a concert? How to organize a concert?