face-2-face  第二阶段 Unit2

face-2-face 第二阶段 Unit2

2017-01-12    18'22''

主播: kobeghy

423 16

Unit 2. People and possessions What’s important to you? Vocabulary adjectives (1); adjectives with very ; personal possessions (2) Grammar have got Review be ; possessive adjectives Quick review Match these words with a-n in the picture new old big small good bad long short cheap expensive beautiful ugly easy difficult fast slow young old right wrong nice important great favourite Grammar We put adjectives after verb be : She’s old. / The bag is small. We put adjectives before noun: He’s a very happy child. / It’s a small bag. We put very before adjectives: It is a very lovely dog. Adjectives aren’t plural with plural nouns: Those are my new shoes. Make sentences with the words below 1. expensive / It / isn’t It isn’t expensive. 2. camera/ old/ it / ‘s / my __________________________________________. 3. very / are / the dresses/ beautiful ______________________________________. 4. cheap / a / It/ ‘s / very / watch ________________________________________. 5. your / they / new/ ‘re / books _________________________________________. 2.1 listen to Sally and her grandfather, Bill. Find four things that are important to each person. Practice Are these sentences true or false? 1.Sally’s friend Ian is a doctor. F) 2. Her favourite color is red. 3.Her mobile phone is very old. 4. Bill’s camera is very cheap. 5.His dog is called Fred. 6. His DVD player isn’t very good. Help with grammar have got : positive and negative Fill the gaps with ‘ve, ‘s, haven’t , hasn’t Positive : I / We/ You / They _______ got (= have got) he/she/it _____ got (=has got) negative: I / you/ we / they _______ got(= have not got) he/she/it _____ got (=has not got) 2.2 Listen to some sentences and try to understand. Practice Fill the gaps with the correct form of have got 1.I haven’t got a car, but I __________ an expensive bike. 2.Oh! You’__________ a blue dress. 3.We’ ________ a black cat. 4.They’______ a big house in France. It’s very nice. 5.He________ lots of CDs, but he ‘_________ a CD player. 2.3 Listen and write yes or no in Sally and Bill’s answer columns Tick (√)the words you know and check the new words in the picture a mobile phone (US: cell phone) CDs a CD player videos a video recorder (US: VCR) a radio a TV/ television a computer a personal stereo a DVD player DVDs a laptop a digital camera 2.4 Listen and practice the questions and short answers Questions Short answers Have you got a computer? ________ he/she got a DVD player? _________ they got any cheap TVs? What _______ you got in your bag? Yes, I have . / No, I ________. Yes, he/she_______. / No, he/ she__________. Yes, they_________. / No, they ______________. Meet the Robinsons Vocabulary family ; How many.... Help with listening the schwa /ə/ in words and sentences Grammar possessive ‘s Review be; have got; jobs 2.5 look at the family tree. Listen and fill the gaps in the text. Review the family vocabulary 2.6 the schwa /ə/ is very common in English. Listen carefully. Are these schwas stressed? 2.7 listen to these words. Where are the schwas? Look at the family tree again. Work in pairs and ask six questions about How many.... ? How many brothers and sisters has Lisa got? How many children have Pat and Bill got? Tick the correct sentences. Change the words in bold in the incorrect sentences. 1.Kate is Lisa’s cousin. sister 2.Bill is Pat’s husband. 3.Lisa and Tom are Chris’s parents. 4.Pat is Emma and Chris’s grandmother. 5.Kate is Sally’s cousin. 6.Sally is Anna’s daughter. Grammar We use name + ‘s for the possessives 1. Bill is Lisa’s father. A) ‘s = is 2. Kate’s her sister. B) ‘s=has 3.She’s got a brother. C) ‘s=possessive 2.8 Make sentences about these people 1.Lisa / Sally Lisa is Sally’s aunt. 2.Max / Anna ___________________________________ 3.Pat / Bill ____________________________________ 4.Chris / Bill and Pat ____________________________________ 5.Emma / Chris ______________________________________ 6.Sally / Anna and Max ____________________________________ 2.9 Kate wants to show her boyfriend , Tom, some photos. Look at the picture A-C, Who are they? Listen and put the photos in order. Listen again and choose the correct answers 1.Kate’s sister Lisa is a doctor / lawyer. 2.Lisa’s husband Tom is a teacher / musician. 3.Their daughter Emma is six / seven. 4.Kate’s brother Max is a musician / lawyer. 5.His wife Anna is Spanish / Italian. 6.Kate’s mother is retired / a teacher. 7.Kate’s father is sixty-three / seventy-three. 2.9 Help with listening pay attention to the schwa /ə/ In sentences we always say some small words like and, are , a, of ,to , the with a schwa /ə/ Come and /ən/ look at /ət/ these photos of /əv/my family. Practice Think of five names of people in your family. Think what you can say about these people (age, job, married etc.) Time and money Real world Talking about times and prices; buying tickets Vocabulary Time words(minute; year; etc.) ; How much... ? Review Numbers Practice Put the words in order a minute a year a day a week an hour a second a month Look at the photos. What are these things, do you think? a cooker; a laptop a radio a mobile(phone) a TV a digital camera Say the time in A-F We can also say time with to / past . Say the time again in B-F with to or past. 2.10 listen to conversations 1-3 and match the time with A-F 2.11 Practice fill the gaps below What time _____________it? It’s five o’___________ What’s the____________, please? It’s about half _________ two. Excuse me. Have you ________ the time, please? Yes, it’s eight fifteen. Write the times Fill the gaps with to, from or at. 1.My English class is ______ten. 2.My son’s class is ________ seven _____ nine-thirty. 2.12 Look at the adverts A-C, which is for : a cinema? a concert ? an exhibition ? Listen and fill the missing times in A-C 2.13 How do we say these prices? £20 £7.50 40p £29.99 €9 €6.50 $35 50c 2.14 listen and write the prices in adverts A-C 2.15 Kate is at the cinema, match the ticket seller’s part of the conversation to Kate’s sentences 1-4 Kate 1.Two tickets for Sons and Daughters, please. 2.Yes, please. How much is that? 3.Here you are. What time is the film? 4.Right. Thanks a lot. Ticket seller A)£13, please. B)You’re welcome. Enjoy the film. C)Two adults? D)Ten to nine. Fill the gaps with is or are 1.How much ______that? 2.How much _______ the tickets? 3.How much _______ the concert? 4.How much _____ these books? Where is the baby ? Vocabulary things in a house Work in pairs tick the words you know. Then match them with the pictures below a table a chair a desk a sofa a carpet a door a window the floor a plant a coffee table Match the prepositions below with the picture in on by under in front of Look at the picture. Where are these things? Lisa’s DVDs Tom’s suitcase Tom’s keys Tom’s mobile phone the DVD player Lisa’s coat Emma’s new shoes the cat Emma’s bag Emma’s books Tom’s passport Emma’s personal stereo Point to the things in the picture and ask Whose mobile phone is it? It’s Tom’s . Whose shoes are they? They’re Emma’s. 2.16 a) Listen and tick the things in the box that the family talk about. B) listen again. Three things are in the wrong place in the picture. What are they? C) Where’s the baby? D) Can you mark all the prepositions of place in the listening. Look at the picture again and then cover it. Take turns to ask where are the things in the room. Where’s Emma’s personal stereo. It’s on the coffee table. Where are Lisa’s DVDs? I can’t remember. Review 1.Write the adjectives 1. ewn n_____________ 2. epahc c_____________ 3. lamls s______________ 4.swol s____________ 5. teubaulfi b____________ 6.ysea e____________ 7. uogny y_____________ 8. dogo g_____________ 2. Write four sentences with adjectives in 1. with have got e.g. My sister’s got a new car. I’ve got a very old laptop. 3.Fill the gaps with has or have 1. _________ you got a bike? 2. _________ your mother got a car? 3._________you got a mobile phone with you? 4. ________ your parents got a DVD player? 5. ________ you got a laptop? 4.Work in pairs and complete the sentences below 1. Your mother’s son is your brother. 2. Your mother’s daughter is your ______________. 3. Your son’s children are your _______________. 4. Your mother’s brother is your _____________. 5. Your sister’s grandfather is your___________. 6. Your father’s sister is your ______________. 7. Your father’s parents are your ______________. 8. Your mother’s brother’s daughter is your ____________. 5.Look at these sentences. Does the ‘s mean is or has? 1. John’s got a camera. has 2.He’s got a computer. ______ 3. Mark’s unemployed. _______ 4.This is Joy’s baby. _______ 5.She’s from Moscow. _______ 6.That’s Kim’s husband. _______ _______ 6.Put these times in order twenty to ten five to ten quarter past ten ten past ten quarter to ten ten to ten twenty five past ten half past ten 7.Write three true sentences and false sentences about things in picture of Emma ,Lisa and Tom. E.g. The books are in the bag. (true ) The bag is by the TV. (false) 8.Tick the things you can do in English 1. ( ) I can use adjectives with very to describe things. 2. ( )I can talk about personal possessions. 3.( )I can talk about families. 4.( )I can talk about times and prices. 5. ( )I can find important information in adverbs for concerts, exhibitions etc. 6. ( )I can say where things are in a room.