驻下复习 packages and letters (2)

驻下复习 packages and letters (2)

2017-01-15    11'28''

主播: kobeghy

63 2

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe works可鄙作品 制作出品 Packages and letters (2) Fill the gaps with the vocabulary below stamp mail anywhere zip code overseas post office 1.I __________ a letter to my mom. 2.Put a _________ on the letter and mail it. 3.Mail your letter at the _____________. 4.Charlotte lives ________________. 5.I can’t find my phone _____________. 6.Denver’s __________ is 80204. You can print out not only stamps but also postage for packages. not only... but also... 1.他很爱运动,不仅喜欢篮球也喜欢棒球________________________________________________ 2.出去玩不仅要拿本书,也要拿上水瓶________________________________________________ 3.在这你不仅可以好吃好喝,也可以按摩______________________________________________ 4.那些老板不仅有私人飞机,还有私人岛屿____________________________________________ Do you know the zip code for Denver? code / zip code / data matrix / bar code 1.那间谍用密码来发送消息________________________________________ 2.扫一扫这个二维码你就可以付款了_____________________________________________________ 3.发送快递不写邮政编码也没什么事_____________________________________________________ 4.你一定可以在这个产品包装上找到条形码的_____________________________________________ Susie has some letters to mail. to do 1.他有一些重要的事情要宣布_______________________________________________ 2.他每天有上百封邮件要回 ________________________________________________ 3.你能不能帮我找辆车来搬这些东西? _________________________________________ 4.这是一首很好的适合在party上分享的歌曲_______________________________________ I’ll show you how Stamps.com works. show sb how.... / how to..... 1.我来给你示范下如何优雅的拒绝他____________________________________________ 2.我想为大家展示下他们是怎样推广他们的产品的_______________________________________ 3.我会为大家演示最新的苹果产品是如何实现无线充电的_____________________________________ 4.你能不能给我演示下如何在两分钟内吃10个汉堡?_________________________________________ Word bank mail carrier postman courier delivery man 1.Every day, the __________ will bring fresh milk to his door. 2.You can always find a ________ riding a bike sending letters anywhere. 3.Keep your phone on. The __________ can call you anytime. Question How to be careful when you shop online?