face-2-face 第二阶段 Lesson 3

face-2-face 第二阶段 Lesson 3

2017-01-15    15'27''

主播: kobeghy

306 11

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品 Unit 3 Daily life A glamorous life Vocabulary daily routines Grammar present simple (1); positive and wh~ questions (I / you / we /they ) Review the time Vocabulary Daily routine Match the vocabulary below with the pictures a-o get up go to bed leave home get home have breakfast have lunch have dinner start work/ classes finish work/ classes work study sleep live Match the words to the times of the day in the morning get up in the afternoon _________________________________ In the evening ________________________ at night ________________________________________ 3.1 find the verbs in the sentences 1.I get up at five o’clock. 2. You get up very early. 3. We start work at about 5:45. 4. They have an hour for lunch. Guess the times that film stars do these things 1.Get up_________ 2. Have breakfast _________ 3. Start work ___________ 4. Have lunch_______ Read an interview. Are these sentences T (true) or F (false)? 1.A lot of actors live at home. F A lot of actors live in hotels. 2.They get up late. 3.The actors have breakfast at the studio. 4.They have 45 minutes for breakfast. 5.After breakfast, they work for four hours before lunch. 6.They have an hour for lunch. Practice write six sentences about your daily routine E.g. I start classes at half past nine . 3.2 listen to the end of the interview and choose the correct words below 1.Most days we finish at 9 / 11 o’clock. 2.But sometimes I sleep for four hours / an hour or two in the afternoon. 3.We have dinner at the studio at 9:30 /11:30 p.m. 4.I get back to the hotel at 10:30 / 12 o’clock. 5.Then I sleep for seven / six hours. Grammar Question word Auxiliary Subject Infinitive Where do they have dinner? What time do you go to bed? Write the sentences below in the table 1.When do you get back to the hotel? 2.What time do they finish work? 3.When do we start work? 3.3 Practice Make questions with these words 1.Where / live / you / do ? _____________________________________ 2.you / do / Where/ work? ______________________________________ 3.What time / get up / you / do? ______________________________ 4.start / When / you/ do / work or classes? _________________________________ 5.do/ What time/ get / you / home? ________________________________________ Practice A)Write eight sentences about people’s routines in the week or at the weekend. B)Ask your partner questions and find out who do the same thing at the same time with you. e.g. What time do you get up in the week? What time do you go to bed at the weekend? Petra and I both get up at 7:00. Evenings and weekends Vocabulary free time activities (1); time phrase with on, in , at , every Grammar present simple (2); negative and yes/no questions (I / you / we / they) Help with listening questions with do you....? Review Present simple ; positive Vocabulary free time activities Match the vocabulary with the pictures below go out stay in eat out go for a drink go to the cinema go to concerts go shopping phone friends/ my family visit friends / my family have coffee with friends do sport watch TV 3.4 listen and fill the gaps 1.Do you go for a drink after work? 2.What do you _______ in the __________? 3.Do you _________ out ? 4.And what do you __________ at the _________? 5.Do you _______ to __________? 3.5 listen to a conversation and tick the true sentences. 1.Robert and Tanya work in the same office. 2.Tanya stays in a lot in the week. 3.She goes out on Saturday evenings. 4.Robert and Tanya want to go to a concert together. 5.They’re both single. Listen again and answer the questions in 3.4 Grammar Subject Auxiliary Infinitive I don’t (= do not) go out in the week Write the sentences below in the table 1.We don’t stay at the weekend. 2.They don’t watch TV in the day. Practice Choose the sentences true for you and make the others negative 1.I phone my family every day. I don’t phone my family every day. 2.I go shopping on Saturdays. 3.I watch TV every evening. 4.I eat out with my friends a lot. 5.I live near this school. 6.I have Lunch at 12:00 every day. 7.I work at the weekends. Grammar Write the two sentences below in the table 1.Do you go to concerts? 2. Do they watch TV a lot? 3.6 Fill the gaps with the vocabulary with do, don’t or infinitive below go (x 3) have stay visit watch do 1. A: __________ you_____ out in the week? B: Yes, sometimes. We________ friends. 2. A: ______ you ______ coffee with friends at the weekends? B: Yes, sometimes. 3. A: ______ you ______ to the cinema every week? B: Yes, I _______. 4. A: _________ your friends __________ out a lot? B: No, they _________. They __________ in and __________TV! 5. A: _________ you ______ sport at the weekends? B: No, we _________. Match the words and phrases with the right prepositions. Saturday the morning nine o’clock week Thursday the afternoon day the evening month half past three night the week Mondays Monday mornings the weekend Sunday afternoon morning on Saturday in the morning at nine o’clock every week Special Days Real World phrases for special days; suggestions Vocabulary months and dates Help with listening dates Review be; present simple. Match the special days with the cards A-E below 1.a wedding 2. a New Year’s Eve party 3. a birthday 4. A wedding anniversary 5. the birth of a new baby 3.7 Listen to five conversations. Which special day is the conversation about? 1.____________ 2. _____________ 3._________________ 4. _______________ 5. _____________ 3.8 On which special day do we say these? Happy birthday! Happy New Year! Congratulations! Happy anniversary! 3.9 Listen and answer with the correct phrase. 3.10 listen and practice the twelve months of the year. January February March April May June August September October November December 3.11 listen and practice the dates 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 13th thirteenth 20th twentieth 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 31st thirty -first 3.12 Listen and fill the gaps 1.A.: What’s the date today? B: It’s the fifth of _________. 2.A: What’s the date tomorrow? B: It’s _______ the sixth. 3.A: When’s your birthday? B: It’s on the twentieth of ___________. 3.13 / 3.14 listen Which date do yo hear? 1.September 5th/ 15th 2. December 13th / 30th 3. March 4th / 14th 4.July 22nd / 2nd 5. October 12th /20th 6. February 1st /3rd 3.15 Listen to Tanya and her husband Simon, talk about their friend Tom’s birthday. What do they decide to buy? 3.16 Grammar point Asking for suggestions What ________we get him? buy him? give her? Making suggestions _________________ get him a book buy him a DVD give her a CD _________ about a DVD Responding to suggestions That’s a good ________________. I’m not _____________________. No, I don’t think so. Early bird or night owl Vocabulary frequency adverbs Grammar subject and object pronouns Review present simple ; routines Put the frequency adverbs on the line Put a frequency adverb in the sentences and make them true for you 1. I get up at eight in the morning. I never get up at eight in the morning. 2. I have breakfast before 9 a.m. 3. I’m tired on Friday evenings. 4. I study English in the evening. 5.I’m happy on Monday mornings. 6. I’m late for class. Read the questionnaire and tick your answers So check your points. Are you an early bird or a night owl? 3.17 listen to Tanya do the questionnaire and tick her answers. Grammar Look at the words in bold. Pay attention to the difference between subjective and objective pronouns. 1.I often phone her at 11 p.m. 2.We usually see him in the week. subjective pronouns I you he she it we they Objective pronouns Review 1.Write questions with you for the words in bold. 1) I live in London. Where do you live? 2) I get up at seven. _____________________ 3) I work in a school. ____________________ 4) I start work at nine. ____________________ 5) I have lunch at half past one. _______________ 6) I finish work at 4:45. ____________________ 7) I have dinner at home. __________________ 8) I go to bed at 11:30. ___________________ 2.Match A with B A B eat your family have TV watch shopping go out go coffee with friends visit to the cinema stay sport do in 3.Fill the gaps with in, on, at 1.______ the week. 2.______ the weekend 3. __________Friday evenings 4. ______ Saturdays. 5._______ night 6. ___________Sunday afternoons 7. _______ the morning. 8. ______ two o’clock. 4.Put the dates in order Jan 1st Nov 30th Sept 10th Dec 25th June 19th Apr 7th Aug 22nd July 13th Oct 4th May 31st Mar 16th Feb 28th 5.Make sentences with the words. 1) Sundays / work / don’t / usually / on I don’t usually work on Sundays. 2) I / in / hardly ever / the afternoons / sleep _______________________________ 3) on / I / Friday / at home / sometimes / ‘m / evenings ______________________________ 4) don’t / often / go / friends / the week / out / My / in ______________________________ 5) always/ my / birthday / remember / friends / my __________________________________ 6.Tick the things you can do in English 1. ( ) I can describe my daily routine. 2. ( )I can talk about my free time activities and say when I do them. 3.( )I can ask people about their routines and free time. 4. ( )I can say how often I do things. 5.( )I can use phrases for special days. 6.( )I can say months and dates. 7. ( )I can ask for, make and respond to suggestions.