驻下复习 Riding a motorcycle (2)

驻下复习 Riding a motorcycle (2)

2017-01-20    06'08''

主播: kobeghy

84 4

本栏目由驻下英语赞助推荐 Kobe Works可鄙作品制作出品 Riding a motorcycle (2) Fill the gaps with the vocabulary below lesson helmet brake safety probably accident 1.She can teach a _______ in math class. 2.Janet is always worried about _____________. 3.The car’s ___________ aren’t very good. 4.A good ________ keeps your head safe. 5.There was an ___________ on that road. 6.He can______________ pass the test. Have you checked the brakes and the lights? have done.... 1.你吃了我留给你们的三文治和派了么?__________________________________________________ 2.你有没有给他打过电话告诉他那消息?___________________________________________________ 3.我还没有看完去年买的那堆书__________________________________________________________ 4.你有没有去过一个叫香格里拉的地方? ____________________________________________________ How did the driving lesson go ? did go / be going 1.昨晚的会议进展的怎么样? _____________________________________________________ 2.现在一切都顺利么?_____________________________________________________________ 3.你的烹饪课程还好么?___________________________________________________________ 4.演唱会现在进展如何?____________________________________________________________ Make sure you don’t have a flat tire. make sure / be sure of / be sure to do 1.Please ___________ that all doors and windows are closed before you leave. 2.She is __________ win the game because she has practiced so hard. 3.Are you __________ what you say?  She doesn’t have a flat tire. flat tire Extra information : automobile accidents speeding / drunk driving / running red lights / wrong way driving / tailgating / Grammar have done / has done Do you know the difference between have been to and have gone to?