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背景音乐:Beyond-冷雨夜 (Biyang)
Dumb laws
Activities ------ Celebrities from Washington
Comprehension & Discussion : Do you agree with that?
1.It is illegal to pretend that one’s parents are rich
2.You cannot buy meat of any kind on Sunday.
3.Persons may not wear a life jacket near the Spokane River.
4.When two trains are coming to a crossing, neither shall go until the other has passed.
5.You may not ride an ugly horse.
Grammar focus:
1. Paraphrase:
I kneel only to god, but I can't see him here.
Slowly, the little worms would grow up and spit out silk to form snow-white cocoons.
They have begun a hunger strike in protest at the alleged beating, but no one was sure about that.
I concealed myself under another name, I have become rich, I have become a mayor.
2. prior : "earlier," 1714, from Latin prior "former, previous, first;" figuratively "superior, better; comparative of Old Latin pri "before,"
E.g. Priority
What the difference between previous, foregoing, preceding, prior, and former ?
Word power:
1._________ is a sweet with a hard sugary substance in the shape of a ball on the end of a stick
2.If you have very small circles of colour on a printed piece of cloth, you have _________
3.The _________ and base are normally bought as a set for a bed.
4.If you reach another building from one, you may need an elevated walkway like _________
5.carbon monoxide is a kind of _________ gas.
Extra information:
Facts about Washington
1.The percentage of non-religious people in Washington is the highest of any state, and church
2.membership is among the lowest of all states.
3.The state of Washington is one of only seven states that does not charge a personal income tax.
4.Washington State has more glaciers than the other 47 states combined.
5.During World War II, Seattle was the point of departure for many soldiers heading for the Paciic, a number of which were quartered at Golden Gardens Park.
6.Starbucks, the biggest cofee chain in the world, was founded in Seattle.
Jimi Hendrix Born in 1942, in Seattle, Washington.
吉米·亨德里克斯(James Marshall "Jimi" Hendrix,1942年11月27日——1970年9月18日),生于美国华盛顿州西雅图,美国吉他手,歌手,作曲人,被公认为是摇滚音乐史中最伟大的电吉他演奏者。
1966年吉米组建乐队,1967年夏,他成功地进行了欧洲巡演,在保罗·麦卡特尼的大力推荐下,他参加了伍德斯托克音乐节,他的成功使他跻身于世界明星的行列。Harry Lillis (“Bing”)
Crosby was born in Tacoma, Washington, in 1903.
哈里·里利斯·克劳斯贝(Harry Lillis Crosby),不愧为天才,他集超级歌星、超级笑星、超级影星于一体,连续十四年被评选为全美十大明星之一. GONING MY WAY
Bill Gates William Henry “Bill” Gates III is the chairman of Microsoft, the software company. Born in 1957 in Seattle, Washington, he is the world’s third richest person as of 2008.
Yolanda Gail Devers was born in 1966 in Seattle, Washington.
盖尔·德福丝(Gail Devers)是一名女子100米栏运动员。在20世纪90年代,盖尔·德福丝在100米短跑和100米跨栏项目上取得了前所未有的成就。她在1992巴塞罗那奥运会和1996亚特兰大奥运会上连续赢得100米短跑金牌。在1993世界锦标赛上,盖尔·德福丝包揽了100米短跑和100米跨栏两枚金牌,1995年世界锦标赛上她再次卫冕跨栏冠军。人们最难以忘记的应是1992巴塞罗那奥运会100米跨栏决赛时,她戏剧性地突然摔倒,当时,被寄予厚望的她踌躇满志地奔向终点时,被最后一栏拌倒,跪在地上,最终第五个抵达终点。