驻下英语Level 2/ Visit Australia (2)

驻下英语Level 2/ Visit Australia (2)

2017-05-02    12'20''

主播: kobeghy

46 8

更多精彩内容 尽在微信公众 @驻下英语美术 背景音乐:Moda-Come Un Pittore Visit Australia 2 Fill the gaps with the words below Desert coast harbor top rock amaze 1.He climbed to the _______of the mountain. 2.The people here _____me. 3.Stand on this big _______. 4.That ________is hot and fry, 5.There are many boats in the _______. 6.Drive along the _____to see the water. Any way you see it, it’s sure to amaze you. Amaze v./n. Amazed adj. Amazing adj 1.他总能给我惊喜______________________________ 2.他如此学识渊博,让我们惊讶______________________________ 3.这里的美景让我感到惊奇________________________ The Great Barrier Reef stretches for 2300 kilometers along Australia’s coast. Coast n./v. 1.汽车离开了海岸,驶向内陆_______________________ 2.我们从山坡上滑下去____________________________ 3.他只是这样漫无目的的过日子_______________________________ It has wonderful beaches, mountains, rainforest and desert. Desert n. Desert v. 1.农场主舍弃了他们的土地来到城市寻找工作_____________________________ 2.那个地带很快就从耕地变成了沙漠_____________________________________ 3.年轻职工对不喜欢的工作更易擅自离职______________________________ Questions 1.How do you get to the Great Barrier Reef? 2.What would you most like to see in Australia? Review Do you like visiting art museums , why or why not? Can you introduce Italy briefly ? Or how much do you know about Italy ? Australia Idioms 1. Cockies Just looking for a photo of cockies made me nauseated. 2. Mozzie Some people call them the most dangerous animal in the world. Australians call them mozzies. 3. Dunny I wonder whether other languages have cute nicknames for the toilet. I suppose potty sounds fun to people who don&`&t speak English. 4. Bingle Accident sounds so negative. Sure, maybe you ran over a kid&`&s trike, but it was just a bingle. Apparently there&`&s an Australian insurance company called Bingle Insurance. Maybe someone should start Crash Insurance in the US. 5. Bluey Maybe Americans do this too. I remember hearing someone say he "popped a dooey," and having no idea what he meant. Turns out a "dooey" is what you get when driving under the influence, a DUI ticket. Not funny. 6. Bounce The first thing that comes to mind when I hear bounce is a bouncy horse. Fun! In Australia a bounce is a bully. Not so fun. 7. Liquid laugh When you&`&ve been drinking all night, I suppose anything can sound fun. 8. Aussie Salute OK, I do laugh thinking of people swatting flies. I once saw a hilarious interview on CNBC of some important business guy giving an interview near a water trap on a golf course while being attacked by bugs. They were probably mozzies, but it was still funny. 9. Wowser If an Australian told me we were going out to dinner with a wowser, I&`&d be psyched. I&`&d be wrong.