

2017-03-24    01'17''

主播: 英语小小孩

15 1

Do you feel sad every time when your parents argue with you? Do you feel sad when you lose a toy? But most of all you get sad when you came back from vacation. I am sad sad sad when I came back from Mexico. I was sad because all the fun was now all over. Then I felt not so sad when my parents told me that if you are on vacation for ever, the world will turn into disaster. Because if everyone goes on vacation, no one actually works including firefighters, police, army, president, and even people who worked in the hotel. So you won't have a good vacation. Wake up and work!!!!!!!!! 每次父母和你争论时你会感到难过吗?丢失玩具时你会难过吗?其实最难过的时候是你假期结束时。当我从墨西哥旅游回来时就感到非常非常难过,因为假期中所有好玩的都结束了。但我听完父母讲的道理就不难过了。他们说,如果你永远只休假不工作的话,这个世界就会陷入灾难。因为如果每个人都只休假不工作,那么就没有了消防员救火、没有了警察维持社会治安、没有了军队保护国家安全、没有了总统管理社会,甚至度假村也没有人服务了。社会变成这个样子,你就不可能享受假期了。所以醒醒吧,开始工作!