

2017-04-05    01'58''

主播: 英语小小孩

41 1

Students aiming to enter Tsinghua University this year had better be able to swim or be prepared to learn swimming and pass a swim test since the prestigious university will not grant bachelor's degrees if they cannot swim. 今年打算考取清华大学的学生最好要会游泳,或准备好学习游泳并通过考试,因为这所名校将拒绝向不会游泳的学生授予学士学位。 This September, would-be freshmen at Tsinghua University will have to take swimming courses if they fail a swimming test at the beginning of their university life, and they won't receive their degrees if they cannot swim before their graduation, in accordance with a message at a university staff meeting days ago, the Beijing Daily reported on Monday. 据《北京日报》27日报道,根据清华大学职工大会上的消息,今年9月份入学的新生如果在开学时没有通过游泳测试,那么将要参加游泳课。如果学生在毕业之前仍不会游泳将无法获得学位。