

2017-05-17    02'38''

主播: 英语小小孩

109 5

An epidemic is affecting students worldwide; the painful result of our generation being the first to grow up with an endless availability of smart phones, laptops, iPads and gaming consoles. It is the “iHunch”, the forward curve of the upper back caused by constantly looking down at a smartphone or similar device. The iHunch can result in permanent curvature of the spine and is the underlying problem of most neck and back issues and up to 50 percent of headaches. The screens of the electronic devices we are consistently using cannot be separated from the keyboard, so students are forced to bend over at the upper back in order to use them, unlike desktop computers which can be set up to be reasonably safe. 全世界的学生们都正在受一种通行病症的困扰,而这个病症是我们这一代伴随着智能手机、手提电脑、平板电脑以及游戏机长大的人面临的痛苦结局。这个病症就是“i弓背”,因长期连续低头查看智能手机等电子设备而导致的上背部弯曲。这种弓背症状可能会导致脊柱永久性弯曲,同时也是大部分颈部和背部问题以及五成头疼问题的诱因。我们经常使用的电子设备屏幕和键盘是一体的,因此,学生们使用时难免弓着背。智能电子设备不像台式电脑那样能够按照人体工程学的安全要求设置屏幕和键盘的高度。