

2017-05-18    02'12''

主播: 英语小小孩

89 4

We live in an age where if we're unsure of a fact, we can just Google it. And it appears many people ask the search engine some strange questions and rely on it to provide guidance in the event of an existential crisis, asking 'when will I die?' and 'why are we here?' Thousands of people ask Google if they are pregnant, whether pigs sweat and where to hide a dead body, every month. The most popular question is: 'Am I pregnant?' The second and third most popular questions on the list are: 'How do I get home?' and 'are aliens real?' 我们生活在这样一个年代:有事拿不准,就去找谷歌。似乎许多人都会向搜索引擎提些稀奇古怪的问题,还在遭遇生存危机时指望它提供指导意见,比如问“我何时会死去呢”以及“我们存在的意义是什么”。每个月都有数千人询问谷歌自己是否怀孕了,猪会流汗吗以及往哪儿藏尸。最热搜的问题是:“我怀孕了吗?”列表上排在第二、第三位的最热门问题是:“我怎么回家?”和“真的有外星人吗?”