中医英语词汇小课堂 4

中医英语词汇小课堂 4

2016-11-06    01'32''

主播: 国医之声 Voice of CM

103 10

各位学友,大家好! 国医之声-中医英语词汇小课堂(四) 1.Absent-minded and Upset n. 恍惚心乱 2.Abstention n. 节制,如Abstentionfromalcohol节酒 3.Abstentions from Five Flavors n. 五味所禁(简称五禁) 4.Abstracts on Women’s d"Disease n. 女科辑要(书名) 5.Acanthopanax Root-bark n. 五加皮 6.Accumulated Heat in d"Heart Moving to Small Intestine n.心热下移小肠 7.Accumulating Essence and Gathering Qi n. 积精累气(气功术语) 8.Accumulation in Kidney n. 肾积(病名,奔豚之别称),Accumulation of Coldnessn. 冷积,寒积(病证名) ,d"Drug Accumulation n. 药物蓄积 9. Acid Regurgitation/Reguritation n. 呕酸(症状,又名吐酸) ,Acid Reflux 返流(病) 10. Acne n. 粉刺(病证名)