

2017-05-02    04'40''

主播: 水木清华studio

135 0

I want to buy some financial products. Do you have any recommendations? A:Morning,sir. What do you need?   早上好,您有什么需要的? B:I want to buy some financial products. Do you have any recommendations?   我想买点儿理财产品。你有什么推荐的吗? A:You can try some funds. It's less risky.   您可以尝试着买些基金,它风险小。 B:Well,how about their yield?   那它的收益率如何呢? A:t depends on what kind of fund you buy. Generally speaking, it's lower than stock.   这个取决于你买的是哪种基金。一般来讲,它的收益要低于股票产品。 B:Okay,please show me some funds.   好的,那麻烦您给我介绍几款基金吧。