

2017-05-03    06'07''

主播: 水木清华studio

180 4

Honey.we need to start saving money for a rainy day. A:Honey.we need to start saving money for a rainy day.   亲爱的,我们应该开始存钱以备不时之需了。 B:Yeah,I know, but we also need to live a comfortable life now.   是啊,我知道。可是我们现在也要让生活过得舒坦啊 A:Well,we can save 20% of all our earnings and put it in the bank   这样吧,我们可以把我们收人的20%存入银行。 B:That's too high, how about 15%?   太高了吧,15%怎么样。 A:But if we save more, we'll have enough money to retire comfortably.   但是如果我们存得多一点,我们到时候就有足够的钱舒服地退休了。 B:But that's far off in the future.   退休离我们还远着呢