The Soote Season   by  Henry Howard

The Soote Season by Henry Howard

2020-02-27    01'44''

主播: redredrose

216 2

The Soote Season温柔的季节 Henry Howard 亨利·霍华德 The soote season that bud and bloomforth brings 温柔的季节,你带来了嫩芽和花朵, With green hath clad the hill and eke the vale 给峰峦披上绿装,给峡谷染上碧色 The nightingale with feathers new she sings 那换上新羽的夜莺放开歌喉; And turtle to her make hath told her tale斑鸠对着她的爱侣倾诉心曲。 Summer is come, for every spray now springs,夏日来临,每一根枝条都在喷红吐翠; The hart hath hung his old head on the pale 雄鹿将他的旧犄角挂上篱笆 The buck in brake his winter coat he flings 公羊把他的冬衣丢进矮树丛, The fishes float with new repaired scale披上新鳞的鱼儿浮出水面; The adder all her slough away she slings, 小蛇也蜕掉了她昔日的衣装, The swift swallow pursueth the flie's small 灵巧的燕子正追逐那小小的苍蝇 The busy bee her honey now she mings勤劳的蜜蜂正忙着把花蜜调酿。 Winter is worn that was the flowers' bale那伤害花儿的冬日已然过去 And thus I see among these pleasant things 抬眼一片勃勃生机, Each care decays, and yet my sorrow springs. 切的愁云都已散却,而悲哀却漫上我心头。