Pinocchio-Chapter One

Pinocchio-Chapter One

2019-07-30    03'09''

主播: YTZWCandy

168 3

Chapter One A Moving and Speaking Puppet Geppetto is an old man. He has no wife and no children. He is lonely. So he makes a puppet. “His name is Pinocchio!”says Geppetto. One night Geppetto is sleeping. Then a fairy appears. “ Pinocchio! I am the Blue Fairy,”she says. “Now you can move and speak! Be good. Go to school. Study hard. And don’t tell lies. Then you can be a real boy!” Next morning Geppetto sees Pinocchio. Pinocchio moves and speaks. “Pinocchio! Is that you?” cries Geppetto. “It is me, Father. I am Pinocchio. I want to go to school.” Geppetto has no money. He sells his coat. “Pinocchio,here are your books and schoolbag!” “Where is your coat?”asks Pinocchio. “I do not need it. I am not cold,”says Geppetto. But he is very cold. lone‧ly /ˈləʊnli / 孤单的,孤独的 pup‧pet /ˈpʌpɪt/ 木偶 move /muːv/ 活动 speak /spiːk/ 说话 mon‧ey /ˈmʌni/ 钱 tell lies /tel laɪz/ 说谎