Snow White-Chapter 03

Snow White-Chapter 03

2019-08-15    03'44''

主播: YTZWCandy

167 1

Chapter Three The Apple with Poison “oh,my! Snow White is not dead.” The Queen is very angry. She dresses as another old woman. “Beautiful combs!”she says to Snow White. “I will comb your hair.” The old woman puts the comb in Snow White’s hair. But the comb has poison! Snow White falls to the floor. That evening the dwarfs come home. They find the comb in Snow White’s hair. They take out the comb. Snow White opens her eyes. “No way! Snow White is still alive.” The Queen is very angry. This time she takes an apple. Half of the apple is red and half is green. She puts poison on the red half. The Queen dresses as a farmer’s wife. “Sweet apples! Taste one,” says the farmer’s wife. “I can’t eat it. I must be careful!”says Snow White. “Look! I will eat the apple first,” says the farmer’s wife. She eats the green part.And she is OK! Snow White eats the red part. And she falls to the floor! The dwarfs come home. Oh,no!Snow White is dead! They cry and cry. They put Snow White in a glass box. Then they carry her into the forest. poi‧son /ˈpɔɪzən/ 毒物,毒药 comb /kəʊm/ 梳子 half /hɑːf / 一半 red /red/ 红色的 green /ɡriːn/ 绿色的