Peter Pan-Chapter 03

Peter Pan-Chapter 03

2019-09-14    04'21''

主播: YTZWCandy

139 1

Chapter Three Two Kidnappings One day Peter pan, Wendy and her brothers look around the island. They see the pirate ship. A girl is tied with a rope on the ship. “Oh, she is the Indian girl,”says Peter. “Poor girl! Save her, Peter,”says Wendy. Peter tiptoes quietly over to the ship. He cuts the rope and sets her free. “Ha-ha! Peter Pan. I will get even with you!” Hook jumps at Peter. He was hiding around a corner on the ship. Peter and Hook start to fight. Peter chases Hook on the rocks. Oh,no! Peter slips and falls. “Yahoo! Peter is dead,”smiles Hook. Then he goes away. Peter is hurt,but he is alive. “Are you all right, Peter?”cries Wendy. “Yes, I am OK,”says Peter. Wendy and her brothers take him to the Lost Boys. Peter is tired from the battle with Hook. And he falls asleep. “Let’s go outside and play,”says Wendy. “OK!”say the Lost Boys. Then they go out. But the Pirates are waiting for them. “Tie them up!”shouts Hook. Tinker Bell sees everything. She flies to Peter and wakes him up, “Captain Hook took the children to the ship!” kid‧nap /ˈkɪdnæp/ 绑架 ship /ʃɪp/ 船 rope /rəʊp / 绳子 tip‧toe /ˈtɪptəʊ/ 踮着脚走 hide /haɪd/ 躲藏 chase /tʃeɪs/ 追赶 hurt /hɜːt/ 受伤的 ev‧ery‧thing /ˈevriθɪŋ/ 所有,一切 a‧round /əˈraʊnd/ 在......附近 look around 环视,察看 wait for /weɪt fɔː/ 等,等待