口语每天练| 听说宋仲基是罗玉凤的男人?

口语每天练| 听说宋仲基是罗玉凤的男人?

2017-08-16    01'03''

主播: 英文主播皮卡丘

41 0

Hello ,is that police station? Well ,I need to report a case, this morning ,my husband Songzhongji escaped from my bed, and he left me a message, he said that he won’t love me anymore ,and he was in Shanghai Pudong International airport at this moment . 请问是警察局吗?我要报警!今天早上我老公宋仲基从我床上跑了,并留言说他不会再爱我了,此刻他正在浦东国际机场. he will fly to the united states of America to find his first love Luoyufeng!! That’s unbelievable!Mr. Police,please help me to arrest my husband, we are True love,listen, if you fail to arrest him, I will be your wife! 他将飞往美国寻找他的初恋罗玉凤小姐!!这简直难以置信!警察先生你一定要逮捕我老公。我们可是真爱啊,如果你没找到他,我就强行嫁给你! (这对电视CP终于在一起了,凤姐我就不放出来辣眼睛了) 这是“竖起耳朵听”成立之初的作品,那时候的皮卡丘刚大学毕业很青涩、害羞,听声音就知道了。也许很多人听过,但我还是决定给新关注的小皮卡听。 一年多了,听过这段录音的小皮卡,你们过的好吗?皮卡丘想你们了