

2016-08-03    09'06''

主播: Michael-2016

54 5

马老师简介 ◆211工程院校硕士,拥有丰富的教学经验 ◆曾任新东方教育集团中学部主管、考试部主管 ◆ 多次参加高考阅卷,深谙高考命题规律 ◆ 中、高考顶级资深讲师,足迹遍及省内各地 ◆ 高考填报志愿专家(沈阳大连及周边城市高考志愿讲座数场,场面火爆) ◆ 曾任玖月奇迹教育投资有限公司CEO,涉足素质教育领域 ◆ 曾任北京巧口教育集团辽宁区负责人 ◆ 2015年创办汇博教育,并开设锦州、铁岭分校 ◆ 2016年联合创办思玛特教育,致力于英语学习一站式解决方案 更多精彩内容请关注微信公众号:hbpyxt 高考英语词汇3500 第四讲 1. affect  vt. 影响, 深深打动,使悲伤等    Smoking affects health.            People were deeply affected by the death of Jin Zhengri. 2. afford  vt. 负担得起,抽得出(时间); 提供 can/could/be able to afford sth/to do sth   I can’t afford a book/to buy the book 3. afraid  a. 害怕的;担心 be afraid to do  因为害怕不敢做…;     be afraid of doing  害怕… She was afraid to go out alone at night.    She was afraid of waking him up. 4. against   prep 对着,反对, 靠着,迎着,衬着 stand against the wall (靠墙站着)  go against nature;  be against sth  反对 They are strongly against the plan.       5. age  n.年龄;时代  vi. 变老     for ages 多年;  at an early age;  at the age of … ;  of the same age=of an age            After his wife’s death he aged quickly. 6. agree  vi. 同意;应允 1)agree with      ① agree with sb / what you say/your opinion. ②表示一致;“ (食物、天气、工作等)对…适宜”: The weather does not agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。 A verb must agree with its subject in person and number. What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。 2)agree to the plan/ the arrangement/ the suggestion . 3)agree on /upon主要指双/多方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议: We agreed on the price. 我们就价格达成了一致意见。 Both sides agreed on these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。  4) agree to do sth       He agreed to go with us. 他同意同我们去。 5) reach/arrive at/come to an agreement       6) I can’t/couldn’t agree more. 7. ahead  ad. 在前,向前 ahead of time  提前 go ahead  前进,干吧,说吧 8. aid  n.  援助;救护;辅助工具  first aid 急救  in aid of 支持  by ( the) aid of 借助于,通过…的帮助         come/ go to one’s aid 帮助某人 v. 帮助,促进   aid (sb/ sth) in/ with ( doing) sth 帮助某人做… 9. aim at ① 瞄准,对准  He aimed the gun at the enemy officer. ② (向某方面)努力 She's aiming at ( trying to win) a scholarship. ③ 针对某人 My words were not aimed at you.