

2016-08-03    10'41''

主播: Michael-2016

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马老师简介 ◆211工程院校硕士,拥有丰富的教学经验 ◆曾任新东方教育集团中学部主管、考试部主管 ◆ 多次参加高考阅卷,深谙高考命题规律 ◆ 中、高考顶级资深讲师,足迹遍及省内各地 ◆ 高考填报志愿专家(沈阳大连及周边城市高考志愿讲座数场,场面火爆) ◆ 曾任玖月奇迹教育投资有限公司CEO,涉足素质教育领域 ◆ 曾任北京巧口教育集团辽宁区负责人 ◆ 2015年创办汇博教育,并开设锦州、铁岭分校 ◆ 2016年联合创办思玛特教育,致力于英语学习一站式解决方案 更多精彩内容请关注微信公众号:hbpyxt 高考英语词汇3500 第五讲 1. alike  adj. 相像,十分相似 We are alike in many ways.      adv. 相似的,相同的 They tried to treat their children alike. 2. alive  a. 活着的,存在的     catch …alive 活捉  keep…alive   be alive with= be full of The lake was alive with fish.     Who is the greatest man alive?(后置定语) 3. allow  v 准许,允许  allow doing/ sb to do    allow for 把…考虑进去   Has everything been allowed for in your plan? 4. almost  adv几乎,差不多 Almost no one/nobody came to the party.       There was almost no snow that winter. 5. alone  adj/adv 单独的 孤独的 1) 形容词She is alone at home. (她独自一人在家。) 2) 副词I like to work alone. (我喜欢独自一人工作。) 3) “只有,仅仅”, The shoes alone cost $200. ※ let /leave sb /sth alone 别打扰 let alone  更不用说 ★ lonely 1) 定语, “孤单的,无伴侣的,无人烟的,荒凉的,偏僻的”       a lonely man / island. 2) 表语,“孤寂的,寂寞的”    feel lonely     ※ He lives alone but he doesn’t feel lonely. 6. amaze vt. 使惊奇,惊叹;震惊    What amazes me is how long she managed to hide it from us.      It amazed me that he could be so calm at such a time.      amazed adj. 惊奇的,惊讶的        amazing adj.令人惊奇的,惊叹的;震惊的 7. amount  n. 数额(尤指数量,大小等)  a large amount of +u/n   large amounts of +u/n  v. (数量,意义等) 等同,相当于 amount to 1) (数量上)达到,总计    Time lost through illness amounts to 1,357 working days.因疾病而损失的时间总共为    2)等于,意味着    Ultimately, their ideas amount to the same thing.   归根结底,他们想的都是一回事。 8. amuse vt. 使快乐,逗乐amuse sb. 使…高兴           The funny drawings amused the kids. be amused by/at/ with 被…逗乐      amuse oneself 自娱自乐       The boys amused themselves by drawing.      amusement   n. to one’s amusement 9. amusement  n. 1) 娱乐,乐趣     to one’s amusement 让某人发笑    They were dancing and singing in the car, much to the amusement of passers-by.    他们在车里跳舞,唱歌,让路人感到十分有趣。    2) 娱乐活动,消遣活动 amusements