走遍美国 0103 (上) 家庭聚餐欢乐多

走遍美国 0103 (上) 家庭聚餐欢乐多

2016-09-10    17'43''

主播: Sophia的英语学堂

1377 38

And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal Don&`&t worry. She&`&ll be fine. You&`&re welcome.Good-bye. How are you? I&`&m tired and hungry. Well, Marilyn and Richard called. They&`&ll be here soon, and then we&`&ll eat. All right. Is...is Susan coming? Well, she&`&ll be here later. She has to work late tonight. And what&`&s Robbie cooking for dinner? It&`&s a surprise. I hope it&`&s pasta. Robbie, the dinner was terrific. Yes, it was delicious. What&`&s for dessert? Oh, I forgot dessert. Robbie! Robbie Don&`&t worry. We&`&ve got lots of ice cream. Oh, I&`&d love some ice cream. Well, there&`&s chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla. I&`&ll have vanilla. Is that all right with everyone? I&`&ll have chocolate. Me, too. Uh, one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me. Robbie, will you help me serve? I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. A whole day&`&s work. And good stuff, too. Don&`&t worry, Richard. Somenoe will find it. I&`&ll get it.