27. Making Electricity Because of electricity(电), it is easy for us to turn on an electric lamp or a TV. But where does all that electricity come from? Most power plants (发电厂) produce electricity by using coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy(核能).Other plants make electricity by using sunlight, wind, water, or even heat from underground! 27.发电 因为(because of)有电,打开(turn on)电灯(electric lamp)或电视很容易。可电是从哪里来的呢?大部分发电厂通过煤炭(coal)、石油(oil)、天然气(natural gas)和核能来产生(produce)电能。还有一些发电厂则利用阳光、风(wind)、水甚至地热(heat from underground)来发电。
上一期: passage26.2
下一期: passage26.1