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主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 因主演《权力的游戏》而走红的“雪诺”基特·哈灵顿要结婚啦! 未婚妻正是和他在剧中曾有激情演出的“野人”耶哥蕊特的扮演者萝斯·莱斯利。 实际上,两人已经秘密恋爱了四年,近日有消息曝出,哈灵顿向亲友通知了自己订婚的消息,看来是有情人终成眷属啦! - You know nothing, Jon Snow. - Oh yeah? Then I'll marry you. Kit Harington is set to tie the knot with his former Game of Thrones co-star, it emerged last night. 25日晚间有消息曝出,基特·哈灵顿将和《权力的游戏》中的前搭档成婚。 *tie the knot:结婚 The actor, who plays Jon Snow in the hit HBO series, popped the question to his on-and-off screen love Rose Leslie. 在《权力的游戏》中扮演琼恩·雪诺的基特·哈灵顿已经向他在剧中分分合合的荧幕恋人萝斯·莱斯利求婚了。 *pop the question to sb:向某人求婚 The couple have been dating since meeting on set in 2012, when Rose played Wildling Ygritte. 两人在2012年拍戏时结识,之后就一直在约会。萝斯在剧中扮演的是野人耶哥蕊特。 The pair kept their romance under wraps for four years, only appearing together for the first time last year. 四年来,这对情侣一直对恋情秘而不宣,直到去年两人才第一次携手亮相。 *keep under wraps:保密 Engagement speculation has been rife since Kit and Rose, both 30, moved in together into a £1.75 million mansion in East Anglia in January. 自从基特和萝斯在今年一月份一起搬入位于东英吉利地区价值175万英镑的宅邸居住,有关两人订婚的猜测就开始满天飞。基特和萝丝现年都是30岁。 *rife [raɪf]:普遍的;猖獗的;盛行的 And now it seems the small screen heartthrob has finally proposed. 现在看起来这位荧屏万人迷终于求婚了。 *heartthrob:(女性心中的)万人迷;魅力帅男 The Sun's Bizarre quoted a source as saying: "They’re yet to set a date, but told friends and family last week that they’ve got engaged.” 《太阳报》Bizarre版援引某消息来源称:“他们的婚期还未确定,但上周告诉朋友和家人他们已经订婚了。” "Kit’s known for ages he’s wanted to marry Rose but he wanted them to get a house and settle down a bit first." “大家早就知道基特想和萝丝结婚,但是他想等有了房子,安顿下来再求婚。” After remaining tight-lipped about their relationship for so long, Kit finally revealed how "easy" it was to fall in love with stunning redhead Rose. 对自己的恋情守口如瓶了这么久,基特终于透露,爱上红发美人萝丝是非常“容易”的。 *tight-lipped:口风紧;守口如瓶 In the interview with L'Uomo Vogue last year, he recalled his favourite memory of shooting the fantasy epic: 去年在接受《L'Uomo Vogue》时尚杂志采访时,基特述说了自己在拍摄这部史诗奇幻剧时最美好的回忆: "The three weeks in Iceland where we shot the second season... because the country is beautiful, the light of the North magic, and why it was there that I fell in love.” “在冰岛的三个星期,我们拍摄了第二季……因为这个国家太美了,还有神奇的北极光,这就是我为什么在那里坠入爱河的原因。” "If you are attracted to a person and in fiction is your love interest, it becomes easy to fall in love..." “如果你被某个人所吸引,而这个人在剧中又是你的恋人,那么你很容易就会爱上那个人……” 今日跟读金句 The pair kept their romance under wraps for four years, only appearing together for the first time last year. 四年来,这对情侣一直对恋情秘而不宣,直到去年两人才第一次携手亮相。 And now it seems the small screen heartthrob has finally proposed. 现在看起来这位荧屏万人迷终于求婚了。 "If you are attracted to a person and in fiction is your love interest, it becomes easy to fall in love..." “如果你被某个人所吸引,而这个人在剧中又是你的恋人,那么你很容易就会爱上那个人……”