

2017-10-13    10'56''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! Vocabulary arrive: v. 到达(后接介词) Uncle Bear arrived at the airport. Uncle Bear arrived at the office. demand: n. v. 需求,要求,需要 I demand my money back! What kind of monster did Nelly meet this Saturday? Just before nine o’clock, the monsters arrived home with a napkin full of mints(薄荷). “These are for you, Nelly. We went out for a meal and we had a lovely time.” “So did we, didn’t we, girls!” said Nelly. Blotch and Bog gave Nelly a monster hug and Nelly waved goodbye. The next day, Nelly had her own phone plugged into her bedroom. All the monsters in the neighborhood heard about Nelly. Nelly the monster-sitter was very much in demand. On Monday, she sang songs to Curdle, the baby monster at Number 16. On Tuesday, she played hide-and-seek with Gunk, the slimy little monster at Number 7. And of course, Nelly had fun monster-sitting on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. “I like being a monster-sitter,” thought Nelly, happily. It was Saturday evening. Nelly’s phone rang again. “Could you please, please, please monster-sit for us this evening? We’d so, so, so like to go out and have some fun. We’re at Number 28.” croaked the voice. Nelly pressed the doorbell of Number 28. “There are so many monsters around here!” she smiled. The door handle turned and the door opened slowly. Two bloodshot eyes peered round the door at Nelly. “Are you Nelly the monster-sitter?” said the voice. “That’s me! Can I come in?” smiled Nelly. The door opened. These two monsters had two arms, two legs, and one head each, just like Nelly’s mum and dad. They didn’t look like monsters at all. Stay tuned! 欲知后事如何,请听下回分解。 Key sentences: (见到能识别即可,无需掌握) 1. Nelly had her own phone plugged into her bedroom. have sth done,使某人做某事,使某事被完成 2. Nelly the monster-sitter was very much in demand. very much in demand: 需求量大 English courses for beginners are very much in demand. 3. Nelly had fun monster-sitting on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. have fun doing sth…做某事获得快乐,做某事很开心 Uncle Bear has fun teaching English. What’s gonna happen with Nelly and the human child? 照看了许久怪兽宝宝,这次来照看人类小孩儿, 又会发生什么样的故事?