

2017-11-07    04'06''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 对于第一次约会,我们总是会有着无限的期待和丝丝的迟疑。很想从ta的举止谈吐中知道ta是个怎样的人,要不要继续交往… 不知怎么样断定ta是怎么样的人? 接下来的这些细节,约会时候要注意观察哦~ 1.His ex 他的前任 Former relations are always tricky. If the date becomes the man’s deep analysis session, it’s a warning sign. It seems that he is stuck in his last romantic affair. Are you sure you want to listen to him complaining about his ex and become his shoulder to cry on? 以前的恋爱关系总是很难处理,如果你们的约会完全变成了他恋情失败的分析大会,那你得提高警惕喽,因为似乎他还深陷上一段恋情中无法自拔。你确定自己想变成他倾诉的对象,哭泣时依赖的肩膀吗? 2. Materialistic women 物质的女人 "All women have only the aim to seduce a rich guy and use his credit card!" If your admirer continues repeating this, he’s not for you. “所有的女人都只有一个目的,那就是勾引有钱人以刷爆他的信用卡!”如果你喜欢的人总是强调这一点,那他肯定不适合你。 他可以用这种方式要求你不断去证明自己不是物质女郎,不可以崇拜金钱,必须简朴生活。(同时也为自己省下一笔) 3. His mother 他的母亲 Loving one’s parents is awesome, but there should be limits in demonstrating it, especially during the first date. 爱父母很赞,但是在表达自己对父母的爱上,特别是在第一次约会中要把握尺度。 Be at least slightly on alert if your companion speaks about his mother too often. The possibility of building an independent family in such a case is doubtful. It is more likely that your mother-in-law’s opinion will always have the leading role. 如果他总是提起自己的妈妈。那么你得留个心,因为他很有可能是个“妈宝”,跟这种人组建一个属于自己的独立的家庭似乎不大可能,你未来婆婆的看法很可能会影响你们的生活。 4. Role-playing games 角色扮演 To be exact, this is purely about men/women role stereotypes. Of course, if you are planning to be only a good housewife in the future, there’s nothing to worry about in this topic. But if you want equality in your relationship, you should avoid such conservative men. 其实这纯粹就是关于男女角色的固化思维!当然啦,你将来要是就想做个家庭主妇呢,那就没什么可担心的,但你要是想要恋爱中的平等,就不要考虑这种男人了。 5. Showing of muscle 炫耀肌肉 Does your mate want to look physically strong or manly with you too much? Does he tell you stories about how he once punished the "bad guys" with one good strike? 你的ta是不是总想向你展示他的“男人味儿”?他有木有跟你说过他曾一拳就打倒“坏人”的辉煌事迹? He may not be safe enough. This doesn’t mean he will be aggressive with you, but his patterns of behavior can still cause certain problems. 他可能没什么安全感,这不代表他会对你有暴力倾向,但这种行为也会导致一些问题。 今日跟读金句 Are you sure you want to listen to him complaining about his ex and become his shoulder to cry on? 你确定自己想变成他倾诉的对象,哭泣时依赖的肩膀吗? Does he tell you stories about how he once punished the "bad guys" with one good strike? 他有木有跟你说过他曾一拳就打倒“坏人”的辉煌事迹?