求求你 坚持自己的梦想吧

求求你 坚持自己的梦想吧

2017-11-13    03'33''

主播: 熊叔英语

235 9

wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 我想学习,但是我没有时间 我想投资,但是我没有资金 。。。 我们心怀梦想,却不敢冒险。 我有家庭了,我年纪大了.... For God‘s Sake, Follow Your Dreams We were just about getting ready to warm up for the practice game over the weekend when I had an interesting conversation with one of the team mates I actually didn't know quite well. 周末的时候,当我们正要为即将到来的游戏热身,团队成员中有一个我其实不太了解的成员和我进行了一场有趣的对话。 "So what do you do?" he asked. "Well, we work for ourselves, we run a software company", I replied. "Oh really! That's awesome! I work for a company, but you know I always wanted to get into animation design and work for myself. It was my dream. I got stuck in the wrong industry." “你是做什么工作的?”他问道。“嗯,我们为自己打工,我们开了一个软件公司”我回答。“真的?那真是太棒了!我为XX公司工作,但你知道我一直想做动画设计,想做自由职业。那是我的梦想。我现在被困在一个错误的行业里。” "You ain't dead yet, are you?" I thought trying hard not say that aloud. He continued "You know, I've been wanting to do this for 10 years now, but once you have a family,it's very tough to do anything else." “你不还没死呢吗……” 我挣扎着没把这句吼出来。他继续说:“你知道吗?我想做这行都有十年了,但是一旦你有了家庭,那想要再做点儿别的事就难了。” I couldn't resist anymore, so I said "That's great, if you really want to do that, maybe you should take up some animation classes, or do some self learning at your own pace. That would be a good start". Pat came the reply "Nahh it's very difficult, with family, full time job, no time. I would love to, but I can't." 我再也受不了了,于是我说:“如果你真想做那行那很好啊!也许你应该上一些动画设计的课程,或者是用你自己的节奏自学。那会是个好开始!”那哥们儿给我回了一句:“啊!?那得多难啊。有家庭、有全职工作,我根本没时间!我是很喜欢,但是我做不了啊!” Reluctantly, I suggested "Then maybe you should consider training full time for a few weeks/months and perhaps dive in full-time?" He looked at me like I had just asked him to cut off his right hand. "Are you crazy? Where will the paycheck come from?" 我老大不乐意地建议他说:“那也许,你应该试试花几周、或是几个月的时间集中培训,要不就辞职去学习?”他看着我那小样儿就跟我在教他剁掉自己右手似的:“你疯了吗?那我要怎么生活!?” Realizing this conversation was heading towards an argument with someone I didn't know very well at the first place, I chose to just smile and leave it at that. But it made me think.What is it with people refusing to take some risks to follow their dreams. Are their dreams not worth it? If not, why do we sulk about them later? Don't we owe it to ourselves to at least give our dreams a fair shot? 想到这场对话跟着就会向吵架发展了,而对方我一开始就不太熟,于是我选择放弃,只是笑笑。但这确实让我想到:这些人都怎么了?不就要你们冒点儿险、追随自己的梦想吗?是你们的梦想不值得你们这么做吗?如果真不是,那到头来你们又在烦什么呢?我们是不是应该给我们自己的梦想至少一个机会呢? 今日跟读金句 I work for a company, but you know I always wanted to get into animation design and work for myself. 我为XX公司工作,但你知道我一直想做动画设计,想做自由职业。 You know, I've been wanting to do this for 10 years now, but once you have a family,it's very tough to do anything else." “你知道吗?我想做这行都有十年了,但是一旦你有了家庭,那想要再做点儿别的事就难了。” Are their dreams not worth it? If not, why do we sulk about them later? 是你们的梦想不值得你们这么做吗?如果真不是,那到头来你们又在烦什么呢?