

2017-11-14    07'20''

主播: 熊叔英语

151 8

wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 10大社交恐惧症,看看你中了几招? 你是不是有时觉得自己的存在感为零? 01 没人搭理恐惧症 NOBODY-CARES-O-PHOBIA When your messages to someone have been ignored, but then you find out that he or she "liked" someone else's WeChat Moments — curse your perceptiveness! 对方不回你的消息,却在别人朋友圈下点赞。你第一次如此厌恶自己敏锐的观察力。 02 零赞恐惧症 NO-LIKE-A-PHOBIA After what seems like an age poring over the words and pictures in your latest social media post, you finally summon up the courage to press "send". The minutes tick by, but it doesn't receive any likes. All the while you feel like you've been punched in the gut or shot through by a thousand arrows at once. 字斟句酌瘦脸磨皮拉腿美白后鼓足勇气发了条朋友圈。一分钟后发现居然零赞,瞬间感受到了世界“南蛮入侵”“万箭齐发”“诸葛连弩加八个黑杀”般的暴力连击。 03 提到你恐惧症 @-YOU-O-PHOBIA After a quick shower, you find you've got 18 unread messages on WeChat as well as five "@" mentions in your group chats. You become so anxious that you'd rather call an ambulance than wade through all these posts. 只是冲了个澡,回来打开微信居然跳出了18条未读消息,还有5个群里有人@了你。你开始紧张,胸闷,发抖,迟迟不敢打开消息框,只想拨打120。 04 半熟不生恐惧症 MEDIUM-RARE-A-PHOBIA A chance encounter with a new co-worker makes your blood freeze. You try to flash a reluctant smile, but it looks more like a grimace because you feel like bursting into tears. 刚来公司不久,在洗手间偶遇上厕所的新同事,你头皮发麻、心头一紧,结果只挤出了一个比哭还难看的笑容,但这的确是你内心的真实写照。 05 微信文章删除恐惧症 POST-DELETED-O-PHOBIA You want to read a popular WeChat article, but it's been deleted before you can. Suddenly, feelings of abandonment, missing out and self-hatred hit you like a ton of bricks. 点进一篇被转疯了的文章,发现已被删除,顿生一种“被世界遗弃”+“好像错过很了不起的东西”+“为什么手慢的总是我”型被迫害妄想症。 06 聊天终结者恐惧症 ENDLESS-TALK-O-PHOBIA Although the actual conversation ended long ago, you keep exchanging emojis with your co-worker for fear of offending them with your lack of a response. First a smiley face, then a laughing face, then a happy face, which leads to a hilarious GIF… 明明已经结束了对话,但感觉晾着同事的微信不回就是道德沦丧禽兽不如,于是你回了个笑脸,收到回复后又发了个嘻嘻,然后又做了个嗨森表情,接着又扔了个鬼畜GIF...... 07 人生导师恐惧症 MENTOR-O-PHOBIA Just as straight-A students often hate giving study advice, businessmen don't like talking about how they make money and programmers are reluctant to help repair computers, you are afraid of becoming a mentor. What if you offer the wrong guidance? Or worse, can't answer your pupil's questions? It could completely destroy your reputation! 就像学霸怕被问如何学习,商人怕被问如何赚钱,程序员怕被请去修电脑,你害怕做人生导师的原因,可能只是怕没能给出最好的方法,或者无法解答对方的疑惑,从而导致自己人设崩塌。 08 先走恐惧症 LEAVE-FIRST-O-PHOBIA You should never be the first one to leave, right? If you're at the office, it marks you out as a bad worker, while if you're at a party it's just plain rude. So, stuck between a rock and a hard place, you end up playing the game of "you move, I move". 别做最先离开办公室的人,K歌时永远别第一个喊着要回家。在“先走的就不是好员工,先撤的就不是好朋友”的幼稚心态的支配下,每个人都玩起了“你不动,我也不敢动”的木头人游戏。 09 飞行模式关闭恐惧症 FLIGHT-MODE-OFF-A-PHOBIA You're on a plane. Your phone is switched off. Finally, some peace and quiet! But in the back of your mind, you know that as soon as the wheels touch the ground the messages will come flooding in again like a rapid-fire machine gun. 飞机上你享受的清净,必将在飞机降落、取消飞行模式后,加倍偿还给你。蹭蹭往上蹿的未读信息数,仿佛机关枪把你扫射得千疮百孔。 10 出门前恐惧症 DOUBLE-CHECK-A-PHOBIA You're getting ready to go out. You check you've got your keys, cellphone, wallet and mobile charger. Then you check again, just to make sure. As you're leaving your apartment, you try the door a couple of times to ensure that it's locked. Then you get in the elevator and descend to the first floor. But did you remember to switch off the TV? Time to get back in the elevator and go back home to check again. 出门第一步:钥匙、手机、钱包、证件、充电宝......反复确认一件不落; 第二步:用力推门数次确认门真的锁好了; 第三步:走进电梯下到一楼; 第四部:进电梯回家再查一遍电视关了没. 今日跟读金句 You try to flash a reluctant smile, but it looks more like a grimace because you feel like bursting into tears. You want to read a popular WeChat article, but it's been deleted before you can. Time to get back in the elevator and go back home to check again.