

2017-11-16    06'07''

主播: 熊叔英语

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wechat关注“熊叔英语”,每日推送,享受熊叔每日英语大餐! 受到恶语欺侮嘲笑要怎么办? 生气郁闷? 那么你就错了,这正是他们想要的.... 智者当以智取! 今天我们一起来看看如何幽默机智的回击! What do you do when a bully insults, mocks or ridicules you. Of course, the thing you should do is get angry or upset – that’s exactly what they want. So, what can you do? One thing is to respond with a funny or witty comment of your own. Here are some you could use. 1.“You’re ugly!” Yes, but at least I’m pretty on the inside. Too bad you can’t Photoshop an ugly personality. 2.“Why don’t you smile more?” I do, but just not when you’re around. If you could read my mind, you wouldn’t be smiling. 3.“How old are you?” Age really doesn’t matter unless you’re a cheese or wine. Don’t you mean, how YOUNG am I? 4.“You’re so tall!” Feeling small, are you? Wow, that's news! I’ll contact the media. 5“You’re so short!” I’m just concentrated awesome. All the best things come in small packages. 6.“You don’t have any friends!” Well, it’s better than having fake friends. I do, only they wouldn’t want to be around someone like you. 7“It’s all your fault!” It’s cute when you blame everyone but yourself. Don’t blame me for your stupidity. 8“Are you crazy?” Crazy is better than stupid. You make it sound like it's a bad thing 9“You need to lose weight!” God loved me so much he decided to supersize me. It wouldn’t be fair to all the thin people if I were this intelligent, funny AND slim! 今日跟读金句 Too bad you can’t Photoshop an ugly personality. Age really doesn’t matter unless you’re a cheese or wine. It’s cute when you blame everyone but yourself.