

2018-02-07    03'53''

主播: 熊叔英语

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weixin搜索“熊叔英语”,和熊叔每日乐学英语! 犹豫、失落、颓废、抱怨,你重复上演平淡无奇的戏文,生命的色彩变得黑白。最终人们忽略了你的戏,无视你的人生。 11种生活方式复制了难以计数的庸碌人生 1. Accept what people tell you at face value. 别人说什么,就是什么好了。 2. Don't question authority. 千万不要质疑权威,那太可怕了! 3. Go to college because you're supposed to, not because you want to learn something. 上大学是因为你应该去,不是因为你想学什么。 4. Sit at a desk 40 hours a week for an average of 10 hours of productive work. 每周在办公桌前工作40个小时,真正有效工作10小时! 5. Go overseas once or twice in your life, always to somewhere safe and easy. 偶尔出国一两次,总是去最安全、方便的地方。 6. Get the largest mortgage you qualify for and spend 30 years paying for it. 申请一笔能负担得起的最贵的房贷,然后用余生的30年去还清它。 7. Don't try to learn another language, everyone else will eventually learn English. 除了你的母语,你真的没有必要去学任何别的语言。 8. Think about writing a book, but never do it. 幻想着写书,不过也只是说说罢了,从来没有付诸行动。 9. Think about starting your own business, but never do it. 考虑自己创业,却总是畏首畏尾。 10. Don't stand out or draw attention to yourself. 从来不敢特立独行,引人注目。 11. Jump through hoops, check off boxes. 谨小慎微,循规蹈矩,在既定的轨迹上亦步亦趋,不敢越雷池一步。 Here lies an unremarkable average man. 百年之后,你的墓志铭上写着:一个庸人长眠于此。 You don't have to live your life the way other people expect you to. 你不需要按照别人期望的那种方式去生活。 今日跟读金句 Go to college because you're supposed to, not because you want to learn something. 上大学是因为你应该去,不是因为你想学什么。 Sit at a desk 40 hours a week for an average of 10 hours of productive work. 每周在办公桌前工作40个小时,真正有效工作10小时! Jump through hoops, check off boxes. 谨小慎微,循规蹈矩,在既定的轨迹上亦步亦趋,不敢越雷池一步。