

2023-06-11    04'58''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

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声音、剪辑:孟飞Phoenix 闪闪发光:拥抱高考后的旅程Shining Bright: Embracing the Journey Beyond the College Entrance Exam The high-stakes, nerve-wracking days of the college entrance exam are finally over. As the dust settles and you take a deep breath, it's time to reflect on the journey you've undertaken and the path that lies ahead. The college entrance exam is undoubtedly a turning point in your life, but it's important to remember that it's just one chapter in the grand tapestry of your experiences.高中阶段备战紧张、令人焦虑的高考终于结束了。当尘埃落定,你深吸一口气时,是时候回顾你所经历的旅程和未来的道路了。高考无疑是你人生的一个转折点,但重要的是要记住,它只是你经历中宏伟画卷中的一个章节。 For years, you've invested countless hours studying, attending cram schools, and sacrificing leisure time. The pressure to excel in the exam has been immense, and it's natural to feel a mix of relief and anxiety once it's all over. But let me remind you that life is a collection of moments, and the college entrance exam is just one of them. It does not define your worth, nor does it determine your entire future.多年来,你投入了无数小时的学习,参加了补习班,牺牲了休闲时间。在考试中取得优异成绩的压力巨大,一旦一切都结束了,你自然会感到解脱和焦虑并存。但是请让我提醒你,生活就是一系列的时刻,而高考只是其中之一。它并不定义你的价值,也不决定你的整个未来。 Imagine your life as a beautiful landscape. The college entrance exam is but a fleeting moment, a vibrant patch of color in the vast canvas of your existence. Yes, it holds significance, but it is the cumulative experiences, joys, and challenges that truly shape who you are. It's the friendships you've cultivated, the knowledge you've gained, and the skills you've developed along the way that will continue to guide you on your journey.想象一下你的生活就像一幅美丽的风景画。高考只是一个瞬间,你存在的宏大画布中的一抹鲜艳颜色。是的,它具有重要意义,但真正塑造你的是积累的经历、喜悦和挑战。在你的人生旅途中,你培养的友谊,获得的知识和发展的技能将继续引导着你前行。 Don't let yourself be consumed by self-doubt or regret. Instead, embrace the lessons learned from this experience and the resilience you've built. Remember, it's the twists and turns, the ups and downs that make life interesting and meaningful. Just as a sunset illuminates the sky, casting a golden glow on everything it touches, your future holds countless opportunities for growth and success.不要让自我怀疑和后悔所消耗。相反,拥抱这段经历带来的教训和你所建立的坚韧。记住,正是曲折与起伏,使生活变得有趣而有意义。就像日落照亮天空,给予一切触碰的事物金色的光辉一样,你的未来充满了成长和成功的无尽机会。 So, take a step forward with confidence and optimism. Embrace the uncertainty that lies ahead, knowing that you have the strength to overcome any obstacle. Your unique talents, passions, and dreams will guide you towards new horizons, each step bringing you closer to the person you are destined to become.所以,怀着自信和乐观迈出一步。接纳前方的不确定性,知道你有能力克服任何障碍。你独特的才华、激情和梦想将引导你走向新的地平线,每一步都使你更接近成为命中注定的自己。 As you move beyond the college entrance exam, remember that success is not measured solely by test scores or university admissions. It's about the person you become and the impact you have on the world around you. Be open to new experiences, cherish the relationships you've forged, and never lose sight of your true worth.当你超越高考之后,请记住成功不仅仅是由考试成绩或大学录取来衡量的。它关乎你成为的人以及对周围世界的影响。接受新的经历,珍惜你建立的关系,永远不要忘记你真正的价值。 The future is waiting for you, and it is filled with endless possibilities. So, walk confidently into this new chapter of your life, knowing that you possess the strength, resilience, and brilliance to shine brightly. Let the memories of the college entrance exam fade into the background as you continue to create a life that is uniquely yours.未来正在等待着你,它充满了无限的可能性。所以,怀着自信地走进人生新的篇章,知道你拥有光辉照亮世界的力量、坚韧和才智。让高考的记忆渐渐褪去,继续创造属于你独特的生活。 In this grand symphony of existence, remember that the college entrance exam is merely one note. So, keep your head high, embrace the journey, and let your light shine, for the world eagerly awaits the brilliance that is uniquely you.在这个宏伟的存在交响乐中,请记住,高考只是其中的一个音符。所以,昂首阔步,拥抱旅程,让你的光芒闪闪发光,因为世界迫不及待地期待着你独特的辉煌。 文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix BGM: Nocturne in E flat major, Op. 9 no. 2