20161029【英语好词好句随便听】第09期:cover a lot of ground

20161029【英语好词好句随便听】第09期:cover a lot of ground

2016-11-27    05'48''

主播: 认真的狐狸

67 2

五分钟日常节目【英语好词好句随便听】 本节目由认真的狐狸(weixin:ninjiaromantic)及【黑料学习青春版】(insidelearning2) 每天推送。 愿你:爱上阅读~ 【好词 】 cover a lot of ground 【好句】We've covered a lot of ground in this class in the past couple of months. 【好句分解】 cover [ˈkʌvɚ] vt. (c-o-v-er) (cover me!) ground [ɡraʊnd] n.u (g-r-ou-n-d) (playground, a lot of ground) couple [ˈkʌpəl]adv.( couple of month)