里尔克《秋日》:谁这时孤独,就永远孤独 Autumn Day - Rainer Maria Rilke

里尔克《秋日》:谁这时孤独,就永远孤独 Autumn Day - Rainer Maria Rilke

2015-07-23    01'34''

主播: 雪梨读诗by哈佛雪梨

12104 621

Autumn Day Rainer Maria Rilke (Translated by Edward Snow) Lord: it is time. The summer was immense. Lay your long shadows on the sundials, and on the meadows let the winds go free. Command the last fruits to be full; give them just two more southern days, urge them on to completion and chase the last sweetness into the heavy wine. Who has no house now, will never build one. Who is alone now, will long remain so, will stay awake, read, write long letters and will wander restlessly up and down the tree-lines streets, when the leaves are drifting. 秋日 里尔克 (冯至 译) 主啊!是时候了。 夏日曾经很盛大。 把你的阴影落在日规上, 让秋风刮过田野。 让最后的果实长得丰满, 再给它们两天南方的气候, 迫使它们成熟, 把最后的甘甜酿入浓酒。 谁这时没有房屋,就不必建筑, 谁这时孤独,就永远孤独, 就醒着,读着,写着长信, 在林荫道上来回不安地游荡,当着落叶纷飞。 [雪梨有话说] 莱纳·马利亚·里尔克(1875-1926):奥地利诗人,代表作长诗《杜伊诺哀歌》。他的德语诗歌有数十种英语译本,在中国也产生较大影响。 这是播客里第一首非英语诗歌。小播十分推荐他的书信集,没有诗句那么个人化,淡,准确,十分动人。