狄金森《如果你秋天来》If you were Coming in the Fall - Dickinson

狄金森《如果你秋天来》If you were Coming in the Fall - Dickinson

2017-08-04    02'08''

主播: 雪梨读诗by哈佛雪梨

25101 804

If You Were Coming in The Fall Emily Dickinson 如果你秋天来 艾米莉·狄金森 (丁骏 译) If you were coming in the Fall, I'd brush the summer by With half a smile, and half a spurn, As housewives do, a Fly. 如果你秋天来, 我就把夏天掸走, 浅笑半弃, 如同主妇们对,一只苍蝇。 If I could see you in a year, I'd wind the months in balls — And put them each in separate Drawers, For fear the numbers fuse — 如果我一年后能见你, 我就把所有的月份绕成球—— 一球放一个抽屉, 只因害怕数字会熔焊—— If only centuries, Delayed, I'd count them on my hand, Subtracting, till my fingers dropped Into Van Diemen's Land. 如果只是迟了,几个世纪, 我就在我的手上数, 减啊减,直到我的指头都掉了 落入塔斯马尼亚之土。 If certain, when this life was out— That yours and mine, should be, I'd toss it yonder, like a Rind, And take Eternity— 如果肯定,等这一生完结—— 才是,你的和我的, 我就把这一生远远掷了,如一张果皮, 再就着永恒—— But, now, uncertain of the length Of this, that is between, It goads me, like the Goblin Bee— That will not state — its sting. 可眼下,长短不得而知 这,见与不见之间, 刺痛着我,就像那妖蜂—— 不会说出——它的蜇刺。 [雪梨有话说] 艾米莉·狄金森(Emily Dickinson,1830-1886)的诗已经不适第一次推啦。她生前高产而孤僻,不愿见客,诗歌也很少发表,人们称她为“阿默斯特的女尼”。她去世数十年后才得到文学界的认真关注,被现代派诗人追认为先驱。 狄金森的诗歌韵脚不齐,常用短句、跳脱常规的大写字母和标点符号,置格律以至语法于不顾。诗人佛罗斯特(Robert Frost)谈到她的诗风时称: “她一落笔就是‘我来了!’然后一头跳进去,往往无暇照顾格律、韵脚。” (When she started a poem, it was ‘Here I come!’ and she came plunging through. The meter and rhyme often had to take care of itself.) 《如果你秋天来》里有爱、分离、恐惧,当然还有时间——瞬间,死亡和永恒。狄金森的诗歌语言精简,比喻尖新,比如第一节中主妇掸走苍蝇的意象。第三节中,Van Dieman&`&s land指澳洲的塔斯马尼亚,美国人一度认为那是在地球上离美洲最远的地方。另外,澳大利亚又被称作“Down Under”,所以这里可能也有俏皮的双关。 雪梨查到这首诗有两个版本,另一个版本更加押韵,比如第二节最后一句是“Until their time befalls”。如果有人能查到另一个版本的来源,那就太好了。雪梨不知道那是诗人自己的修改版还是出版社的篡改版。 BGM: Something Can Grow - Tony Anderson