圣诞特辑!华兹华斯《吟游诗人》The Minstrels - Wordsworth

圣诞特辑!华兹华斯《吟游诗人》The Minstrels - Wordsworth

2018-12-25    01'13''

主播: 雪梨读诗by哈佛雪梨

12960 162

圣诞特辑! The Minstrels the minstrels played their christmas tune to-night beneath my cottage-eaves; while, smitten by a lofty moon, the encircling laurels, thick with leaves, gave back a rich and dazzling sheen, that overpowered their natural green. 吟游诗人哼着他们的圣诞节曲调, 今夜,在我的田舍小屋下。 此时,高耸的月亮给予他们灵感。 层层的月桂树,覆盖着叶子, 映射着饱满眩目的光泽, 早已经超越了他们原有的颜色。 through hill and valley every breeze had sunk to rest with folded wings: keen was the air, but could not freeze, nor check, the music of the strings; so stout and hardy were the band that scraped the chords with strenuous hand. 穿过山谷的每一阵微风下沉收起翅膀: 风是那么锋利,但永不冷漠, 也不核对,弦音声声: 一层层又如此的强烈刚强, 用热烈的手摩擦着弦柱。 and who but listened?--till was paid respect to every inmate&`&s claim, the greeting given, the music played in honour of each household name, duly pronounced with lusty call, 但是谁在听?这个取决于同住的人的主张, 给个问候,做个音乐,为每个家里名字而自豪, 正式而显著的强有力的呼叫, 圣诞快乐哦~祝所有人!