Set B L4-B10 Stars in the Sky
You can see stars in the sky at night.
There are lots and lots of stars.
Stars are very far away.
Stars are like big, hot balls.
Star Colours
Stars can be blue, or white, or yellow, or orange, or red.
The colour of a star tells you how hot it is.
Blue stars are the hottest stars.
Red stars are the coldest stars.
The Sun
The sun is a star.
It is a yellow star.
Earth goes around the sun.
We need the sun.
The sun gives us light.
The sun warms Earth.
The sun is much bigger than Earth.
Some stars are bigger than the sun.
Some stars are smaller than the sun.
The sun is the star that is closest to Earth.
Finding the Way
Long ago, people on ships looked up at the stars.
The stars helped them to find their way at night.
Today, people can find their way by looking at the stars, too.
But it is hard to see the stars on cloudy nights.
Star Pictures
Some stars make pictures in the sky.
This star picture is called the Lion.
This star picture is called the Bull.
You can not see some stars with your eyes.
You need a telescope to look at them.
This big telescope can even take photographs of stars.
photographs 照片
telescope 望远镜