No.32 报名旅行团&询问旅行团观光行程

No.32 报名旅行团&询问旅行团观光行程

2016-05-10    11'31''

主播: Nicole林小白

368 35

更多详细解读及旅行小贴士,尽在微信公众号:人人都是生活家(请搜索公众号living4ever) ——I’d like to take a sightseeing tour. ——Sure. Sit down, please. ——Do you have any sightseeing tours of the city? ——We have half-day tours, full-day tours, and nighttime tours available. ——Which tour includes more famous spots? ——You’d probably like the full-day tour the best. ——What can I see on the tour? ——Museum, fall and so on. ——I see. Is there a tour that includes a Broadway show? ——Certainly.   ——我想报名参加观光团。 ——好的,请坐。 ——有市区观光团吗? ——我们有半日游、一日游和夜间观光等。 ——哪个团的知名景点较多? ——那你可能会比较喜欢一日游。 ——那个团是参观什么呢? ——博物馆、瀑布等等。 ——我明白了,那这个团有没有包含百老汇演出? ——当然了。   sightseeing tour 观光团、旅行团 sightseer 观光客 Can you recommend some popular tours? 可以推荐一些比较受欢迎的行程给我吗?如 Do you have any half-day sightseeing bus tours? 有没有半天的观光巴士团? Do you have any tours of the islands? 有环岛的旅行团吗? Which tour is best for seeing museums? 要参观博物馆的话,选哪个行程最好 I’d like to sign up for…… 报名XX团 I’d like to sign up for the Niagara Falls tour. 我想要报名参加尼亚加拉大瀑布的旅游团。