No.33 询问旅行团细节

No.33 询问旅行团细节

2016-05-17    10'44''

主播: Nicole林小白

456 35

更多详细解读及旅行小贴士,尽在微信公众号:人人都是生活家(请搜索公众号living4ever) What’s the charge? 费用是多少。 (1)charge主要是指一次性劳务所收取的费用,比如服务费、旅行费、旅馆费之类的。(2)fare主要指交通工具的费用。 (3)fee则是指手续费、佣金这类的费用。   Does the charge include meals? 这个团是否含餐? Is lunch included in the tour? 包含午餐吗? Where will we have lunch? 中午在哪里用餐?用 Do you have a Chinese-speaking guide? 有没有会说中文的导游?   When and from where does it leave? 几点在哪里出发? What time and where should we wait? 几点在哪里等比较好? What time does the tour start? 几点出发? Where do we get on the bus? 在哪里乘巴士? Will we have any free time during the tour? 在行程中有自由活动时间吗?   旅行社travel agency 旅游团tour group 导游tour guide 旅游行程 itinerary