No.34 购物询价及砍价

No.34 购物询价及砍价

2016-05-24    11'05''

主播: Nicole林小白

473 52

更多详细解读及旅行小贴士,尽在微信公众号:人人都是生活家(请搜索公众号living4ever) How much is it? 或How much does it cost? 这个多少钱? What’s the price of this bag? 这个包包多少钱? How much for one? 这个东西多少钱? How much is it altogether? 全部多少钱?   That’s too expensive. 这个东西太贵了。 Could you give me a discount? 可以给我打个折吗? Can you low down the price for me? 能降点价吗? Do you have anything cheaper? 有没有更便宜一点的?   on sale 特价中 discount 打折 new新品 hot price特价 best seller热卖   购物中心shopping center 百货公司department store 女装卖场ladies’ department 超市supermarket 便利店convenience store 药妆店drugstore 纪念品商品souvenir shop 免税店duty-free shop 收银台cashier 购物推车cart 橱窗window 电动扶梯escalator 电梯elevator