- Home again. - Thank you.
This is it. 7 Primbrook Lane.
[ Nervous Sigh ]
[ Man Clearing Throat ]
- l'm home. - ls that my little girl?
That tall, gangly thing?
Yes, it's me.
Oh, welcome home. [ Chuckles ]
- Did you have a good time, sweet pea? - Uh-huh, great.
- [ Sniffing ] - What are you doing?
- Just smelling. - Smelling?
- l'm making a memory. - Oh.
Years from now, when l'm all grown up...
l'll always remember my grandfather...
and how he always smelt of...
peppermint and pipe tobacco.
[ Laughing ] Good to have you back.
[ Woman ] Annie?
- Mother. - You're back.
- l can't believe it's you. - And l can't believe it's you.
And with short hair. Who cut it for you?
A girl l met at camp. Do you hate it?
No, l absolutely love it.
[ Gasps ] You got your ears pierced?
- [ Sighing ] - Well, are there any other surprises?
Belly button rings, tattoos?
Ah, darling, what is it?
l'm sorry. lt's just--
l've missed you so much.
l know.
- lt seems like it's been forever. - You have no idea.