

2016-12-05    02'09''

主播: 迎春🌷~melody

30 1

感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~● 思念是一支长笛​ Missing is a Flute 作者:海东青.诗僧​ By  Costin • Monk Poet​ Tr. Xin Meng Reciter : Ying Chun 你比远方更远 笛声追赶不上远行的影 闭上眼 又是那年初遇​ You were farther than the distance The sound of the flute couldn't catch the figure of being away traveling When I closed my eyes  The scene of the first meeting with you  leaped before my eyes again 是谁 偷偷将我长发抚乱 我没敢问 你不作答​ Who was it Secretly fondled my long hair in a mess I didn't dare ask You didn't answer either 一缕风 滑过我面庞​ A wisp of wind Slid over my face